5 Tested Very Low-Light Houseplants which you Must Add to Your Dim Room

very low-light houseplants

Do you have a dim corner in your house or office and are searching to find very low-light houseplants to bring life there? Plants such as Cost Iron plants, Peace Lily, Philodendron, Pothos, Snake plants, and some varieties of Dracaena can help you to add some greenery to your dim room, these are very low-light houseplants.

However, before casting them, let me know how you define a low-light room. Do you know how much light is considered very low light for plants? If you cannot answer these questions correctly, you will waste your time and money.

So, keep reading to help you make your strategy for adding houseplants to very low-light corners of your house.

Very Low-Light Houseplants for indoor decor

 What Is Low Light for Indoor Plants?

A low-light place in your house is a location with about 50-250 foot-candle (Foot-candle is a criterion to measure sunlight intensity), but how can you measure it?

You can use a Photometer, however, without any device, a low-light place in your house is a location without any direct sunlight (or other light source) where you can read a newspaper comfortably, for instance, near an East or North-facing window or several feet away from a South or West window.

So, a low-light or even very low-light place is not a no-light (zero-light) place and there isn’t any no-light plant. Some indoor plants can tolerate low light conditions for several weeks or months. Keep reading to find them.

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What Are Low-Light and Very Low-Light Houseplants?

In pervious part, I told you a place with 50-250 FC sunlight intensity consider a low-light place. However, most low-light indoor plants can tolerate 100 FC light intensity and under 100 FC they will go to die.

Only a few houseplants such as Cost Iron plants, Peace Lily, Philodendron, Pothos, and Snake plants can tolerate a low light place under 100 FC light intensity (near 50 FC), hence they are considered very low-light indoor plants. However, you should make them happy by transferring them to a bright indirect sunlight place and letting them produce and store more food for themselves.

After reading this part you can easily choose your favorite house plant for dim rooms and corners based on their images and characteristics.

1- Peace Lily

Scientific name: Spathiphyllum sp.

Peace Lily plant for low light rooms

Peace lily is a very low-light indoor plant that can give a relaxed feeling to your dim room with its green leaves and white flowers.


2- Cast Iron Plant

Scientific name: Aspidistra elatior

Cast Iron Plant

As tough as its name, Cast Iron Plant is a strong and hard indoor plant that can last for decades. it can grow in low light, dry conditions with low maintenance.

3- Snake Plant

Scientific name: Sansevieria trifasciata

Snake Plant can thrive in dim rooms

It is very low-light and impossible to kill indoor plants with long, tall leaves. It is also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue. this is also a low-light plant safe for cats.

4- Heartleaf Philodendron

Scientific name: Philodendron hederaceum.

It is a perfect choice for your din room due to its ability to grow in low light conditions and you can match it as a climber or vine plant, you can put on shelves and tables.

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Heartleaf Philodendron can grow in low light conditions

5- Golden Pothos

Scientific name: Epipremnum aureum

Golden Pothos is a very low light plant

This low-maintenance houseplant can grow in very low light conditions with its green, brighter to high light colours. Golden Pothos is toxic for pets and kids.

Pro Tips About Very Low Light Indoor Plants

  • Low light and Very Low Light houseplants can tolerate a dim room but their growth will be stopped or very slowly.
  • Plants that grow in low light are more at risk of getting root rot disease than plants that grow in bright places. This is due to the soil keeping wet longer in low-light conditions. hence, you must avoid over-watering and add water only when the topsoil dries out.
  • If you have a colourful low-light plant, it will turn green hue in low-light conditions. It is due to plants trying to produce more Chlorophyll to increase the efficiency of photosynthesize.
  • In addition, most flowering indoor plants don’t bloom in low-light conditions and you can only enjoy their foliage.


Now, you are familiar with 16 very low-light houseplants including Golden Pothos, Heartleaf Philodendron, Snake Plant, Cast Iron Plant, and Peace Lily.

Did the above list help you find your super low-light house plant? What was its name? Is it safe for cats too? Do you have any experience with growing plants in dim rooms? Do you know a low-light plant that we didn’t mention above? Please share your knowledge and ideas with our readers below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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