Best 9 Flowers that Don’t Need Drainage Holes: Tested 2024

I’m a horticultural consular who has a PhD in plant pathology. In this post, I want to introduce 9 flowers that don’t need drainage holes. I also will tell you my experiences of caring for plants by planting them in cachepots.

Drainage is a critical factor in the planting of indoor plants; However, some plants can grow in pots without drainage holes. However, if you keep reading I will show you plants with colourful flowers that you can plant in cachepots.

Some of these flowers that don’t need drainage holes are famous due to their beautiful flowers like Peace Lily or Oleander Plant but others may surprise you when see their blooms. If you are interested in knowing what should be done to make them bloom in your house, tell me below this page to write about it in my next post. If you are ready, let’s dive into it.

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Why Do Plants Need Drainage Holes?

flowering plants that don't need drainage holes

Before we dive into introducing plants in pots without holes, I must tell you about the necessity of drainage in indoor plants. Hence, although the following flowers can thrive in pots without holes, you must make drainage inside their cachepots. How? keep reading.

The plants need drainage because most plants hate to sit their roots in water. The roots like foliage parts need oxygen to breathe. They have to exchange oxygen and dioxide carbon in the packed holes inside the soil.

when you fill the soil holes with water during overwatering, the roots will suffocate. Drainage helps your plant to escape extra water from roots.

In addition, tap water and fertilizers have a lot of salts that can accumulate in the soil and poison your plant, if your pot has a good drainage, they will remove from the soil and roots. Hence, if you use pots without holes, you have to make drainage in other ways.

Before starting to plant, I think you should know several tips for planting in containers without pots. Hence, I recommend reading the below articles too:
See also  What to Put under Potted Plants? 8 Ideas with images.

After you know the importance of drainage, let’s show you flowering plants to pot in containers without drainage holes.

What Are Flowers that Don’t Need Drainage Holes?

Oleander Plant

Scientific name: Nerium oleander

Oleander is one of the flowers that don't need drainage holes

One of the indoor and outdoor plants with colourful bright flowers. Be cautious because these beautiful blooms are toxic for kids and pets.

Watering requirements: The oleander plant likes to thrive in soils with limited wetness. They hate soggy soils. You should water them once a week or every 10 days. If you pot them in pots without drainage holes, read “The best practice for Watering plants in pots without drainage” to avoid root rotting.

Light requirements: they like a bright place but you should avoid putting them in direct sunlight, especially on summer days.

Peace Lily 

Scientific name: Spathiphyllum sp.

Peace Lily flowers that don't need drainage holes

A perfect plant for pots without drainage holes with glossy, dark green fan-shaped leaves. It also produces beautiful white flowers with a pleasant scent.

Watering requirements: it needs a little watering with low maintenance.

Light requirements: it prefers to thrive in places with bright indirect sunlight.

Bird of Paradise

Scientific name: Strelitzia reginae

Bird of Paradise can thrive in pots without holes

If you ask me one of the gorgeous plants that you should pot in planters without drainage holes is Bird of Paradise. It has large banana-shaped leaves with flowers that resemble a bird’s head with exotic orange and deep blue colours.

This indoor plant can grow up 3 feet hence moving and picking up it to clean the drained water is difficult. Hence, it will be good if you plant it in a pot without a hole.

Watering bird of paradise in pots without holes: it loves wet soil and you should water it regularly during spring and summer. However, avoid overwatering and let the top soil dry out between waterings.

Please read “Are pots without drainage holes bad?” to get pro tips about planting and caring for plants in pots without holes.

You must reduce watering during fall and let roots experience nearly dry soil till to the end of November.

See also  16 Herbs That Don't Need Drainage Holes | Update 2024

Light requirements: this plant loves a sunny place with at least five hours of direct sun in the mornings in summer and a sunny spot in winter to bloom.

Chinese Evergreen 

Scientific name: Aglaonema spp.

Chinese Evergreen in planters without holes

Another popular indoor plant with green to cream leaves is “Chines Ever Green” where you can spot the flowers in summer on old plants.

Watering requirements: this plant is one of the best for planting in pots without holes due to Chinese evergreen has little watering and prefers the topsoil to dry out between waterings. However, you should avoid the soil getting dry completely.

Light requirements: it prefers bright indirect places, although it can be a good choice for dim rooms with low light conditions.

Spider Plant

Scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum

Spider Plant in a pot with out holes

A perfect plant for beginners with green and cream-coloured leaves and small beautiful flowers on a long wiry stem.

Watering requirements: this plant is almost resistant to drying and can forgive you if forgot watering for several days. Hence you can plant it in pots without drainage holes with a little watering.

Light requirements: it is perfect for rooms with low light conditions although prefers a bright indirect sunlight area.


Scientific name: Plectranthus scutellarioides

Coleus with its blue to purple flowers in pots without holes

They are beautiful houseplants with colourful leaves and small blue, white or purple flowers. They like moist soils but not soggy. So, if you want to put them in planters without holes they can grow easily if you know their watering intake and avoid overwatering.

Coleus to show up their colorful leaves need a bright indirect place to grow.

Fuego Sky Plant

Scientific name: Tillandsia ionantha

Fuego Sky Plant flowers in a cachepot with out holes.

It is a type of sky plant with beautiful pink and purple flowers that bring colours and energy to your house. These wonderful plants can grow in pots without holes since they don’t have roots to gain water and food.

Their roots only work as a hanger to keep them on the surface that they thrive on it. never plant a sky plant in soil. put them in a cachepot and regularly soak them in water to stay hydrated.

Fuego sky plants like bright indirect (filtered) sunlight.

Swedish Ivy

Scientific name: Plectranthus verticillatus

Swedish Ivy with its white flowers in a pot without holes

What can be better than a beautiful hanging plant for your house that can thrive in pots without holes? Swedish ivy with its green leaves with scalloped edges similar to lemon balm leaves and beautiful white to purple flowers can be a perfect choice.

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This plant is a low-maintenance indoor plant that can grow in both bright and low-light rooms. If you pot it in planters without drainage holes, you must water it only once a week. Avoid over-watering.

Aloe Vera

Scientific name: Aloe vera

Aloe Vera can flower in pots without holes.

Aloe vera is an indoor plant with a lot of health benefits and charming flowers that make it a perfect choice among houseplants. This wonderful plant can store water in its leaves and stems that make it tolerant to dry.

So, you can plant it in pots without drainage holes with a little watering. If you are interested to know more about planting Aloe vera in containers without holes please read” Ultimate guideline how to plant, water and care for succulent in the pot without drainage”.


Now you found 9 flowering plants that can thrive in pots without drainage holes. These plants are low-maintenance indoor plants with beautiful flowers that can bring a colourful and energetic atmosphere to your house.

Which one on our list is your favourite plant? Do you know other Flowers that don’t need drainage holes? Can you add it to our list below this page? Have you ever planted in cachepots? Please share your ideas and experiences with us and our readers.

In addition, if you are searching to take advantage of planting in pots without drainage holes and are searching to find what plants can grow in pots without drainage holes, read the below articles too:

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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