What Is the Best Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo? A Complete Answer

The Best Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo

If you are searching for finding the perfect food for your lucky bamboo, here I will introduce the best ones and will show you how to find it, so, keep reading to find out what is the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo.

Lucky bamboo is one of the popular indoor bamboo types that is almost easy caring. Apart from its aesthetic views, some people love it due to its use in Feng Shue practices.

In my previous article, I told you about taking care of indoor bamboo plants and taught you how to fertilize your lucky bamboo. I also discussed that this plant doesn’t need a lot of fertilizing but to have a healthy green lucky bamboo you must consider the best food for it. Here, I want to tell you what is the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo.

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Best Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo

Balanced Liquid Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo

As you may have heard before, a balanced liquid fertilizer is the best fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo. Do you know why? and you know what is a balanced liquid fertilizer? In this part, I want to answer this question, it will help you to find out what is the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo.

What Is a Balanced Liquid Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo?

A balanced liquid fertilizer typically contains a balanced ratio of the following microelements:

  • Nitrogen (N)
  • Phosphorus (P
  • Potassium (K)

A fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio is often 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. These numbers represent the ratios or percentages of the three above essential nutrients (NPK).

  1. The first number represents the percentage of nitrogen in the fertilizer, for example, a balanced fertilizer labelled as 10-10-10 contains 10% nitrogen.
  2. The second number indicates the percentage of phosphorus in the fertilizer, for example, a balanced fertilizer labelled as 10-10-10 contains 10% phosphorus.
  3. Finally, the third number signifies the percentage of potassium in the fertilizer, for example, a balanced fertilizer labelled as 10-10-10 contains10% potassium
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Although a balanced fertilizer provides an equal proportion of each nutrient that is suitable for general plant feeding and can be beneficial for overall plant growth and development, a specifically formulated for houseplants or lucky bamboo must have other essential micronutrients too including:

  • Iron (Fe)
  • Magnesium (Mg)
  • Calcium (Ca)
  • Manganese (Mn)
  • Zinc (Zn)
  • Copper (Cu)

Please note the “Suitable for lucky bamboo or other indoor plants” label while choosing a fertilizer. You must know fertilizing lucky bamboo in the soil is different from water-based environments. In my previous articles, I showed you how to water lucky bamboo in soil and told you about the best practices for watering lucky bamboo in rocks.

what are essential elements for lucky bamboo fertilizing       For Those Who Want to Know More:

The role of Macroelements NPK in the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo:

 Nitrogen (N):

  • Nitrogen is responsible for the lush green colouration of lucky bamboo and promotes leaf and stem growth by providing sufficient energy to produce new leaves. Hence, Nitrogen is essential for the overall development of your lucky bamboo.

Be cautious:  excessive nitrogen will cause excessive leaf growth, making the plant weak and prone to tipping over.

Phosphorus (P):

  • Unlike nitrogen which works on foliage development of your lucky bamboo, Phosphorus is crucial for the development of strong roots. This element will enhance the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients by promoting healthy root growth.
  • So, adding Phosphorus to your plant will have a significant impact on the overall vigour and vitality of lucky bamboo.

Be cautious:  you must know that Phosphorus deficiency will cause stunted growth and a weakened root system in your lucky bamboo

Potassium (K):

Potassium is involved in various physiological processes, so, is important for overall plant health including:

  •  Regulating water uptake
  •  Improving disease resistance
  • Enhancing the plant’s ability to withstand stress.

The signs of Potassium deficiency in your lucky bamboo are:

  • Yellowing or browning of the tips and margins of the leaves
  • Reducing overall growth.

The role of Microelements in the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo:

Iron (Fe):

  • As you know chlorophyll is the critical factor in the plant’s photosynthesis process and Iron is an essential element for its production.
  • So, adding iron to the lucky bamboo environment will enhance the green colour of the leaves and support overall growth.

Be cautious:  the sign of Iron deficiency is the yellowing of the young leaves while the veins remain green.

Magnesium (Mg):

  • Magnesium is another essential element in the process of photosynthesis and it is a component of chlorophyll.
  • Hence this element has a role in energy production and nutrient absorption.

Be cautious:  the sign of deficiency magnesium in lucky bamboo is the yellowing of the older leaves while the veins remain green and sometimes you may see reddish brown spots (Necrosis) and early leaf fall.

Calcium (Ca):

  • Calcium will promote strong and healthy stems and leaves due to its role in cell wall development.
  • It also plays a role in regulating nutrient uptake.
  •  Calcium also can enhance disease resistance.

Be cautious: If the lucky bamboo receives insufficient calcium, it will be weak with brittle stems, deformed leaves, and very susceptible to diseases.

Manganese (Mn):

  •  Manganese is involved in various enzymatic processes, including photosynthesis.
  • It has an impact on overall plant health due to its role in the breakdown of carbohydrates and nitrogen metabolism.

Be cautious: the symptoms of Manganese deficiency in your lucky bamboo are the yellowing between the veins of young leaves while around the veins is still green.

Zinc (Zn):

  • Zinc plays a vital role in the synthesis of plant growth hormones and enzymes.
  • So, due to its role in cell division, this zinc has an impact on the overall growth and development of your lucky bamboo.

Be cautious: you can find Zinc deficiency in your lucky bamboo with a general decline in your plant health such as stunted growth and distorted leaves.

Copper (Cu):

  •  Lignin is a plant compound that provides structural support to the plant, Copper is involved in the production of lignin
  • It also plays a role in several enzymatic reactions.

Be cautious: the signs of copper deficiency are wilting, leaf necrosis, and reduced overall growth.

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Why a Balanced Liquid Fertilizer Is Best for Lucky Bamboo?

Why a Balanced Liquid Fertilizer Is Best for Lucky Bamboo

Now, that you found out the meaning of a balanced liquid fertilizer and the role of every micro and macro element in a fertilizer, let to know why I recommend it as the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo.

As I told you above every element plays a specific role in your Lucky bamboo, hence, extra or insufficient of every element can cause problems for your plant. the extra amount of some elements can prevent the absorption of other elements. So, your lucky bamboo must receive a balanced amount of nutrients.

To ensure the healthy growth of lucky bamboo, it is important to provide a balanced ratio of NPK in the fertilizer. As mentioned earlier, a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 is suitable. This ensures that the plant receives adequate amounts of each nutrient without causing an imbalance or deficiency in any specific element.

By using a balanced liquid fertilizer, you will avoid using fertilizers with high concentrations of nitrogen, as they can cause the bamboo to grow too quickly and become weak.

In addition to NPK, it’s important to note that lucky bamboo generally requires trace amounts of microelements. These elements are typically present in most well-balanced fertilizers. Using a fertilizer formulated for lucky bamboo or indoor plants should provide an adequate supply of these microelements in addition to macro elements.

However, you have to follow the recommended dosage instructions and avoid excessive fertilization, as it can lead to nutrient imbalances or toxicities.


In this article, you found out what is the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo and I told you a liquid-balanced fertilizer is the best food for your lucky bamboo. I tried to get you familiar with the various elements in the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo.

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Have you ever experienced a liquid-balanced fertilizer for your lucky bamboo? Do you know other fertilizers for lucky bamboo? Please share your ideas and experiences with us below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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