Best Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water: Save Your Money

Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

Do you know what the best lucky bamboo fertilizer homemade is? One of my friends uses Diluted Aquarium Water as a homemade bamboo fertilizer. He told me it worked well. I sometimes use Banana peel tee as homemade fertilizer for bamboo plants in water. However, there are other types of plant food for bamboo in water and points for using them.

Join this article to teach you how to make your homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant in water. Here you will find 7 of the best DIY fertilizers for bamboo plant foods with golden tips to use.

Among the indoor bamboo plant types, Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is the most popular and almost all indoor gardeners love to have it in their house. some people like its tall green foliage and others use it in their Feng Shui practices.

You can grow your bamboo plant in soil or water-based environments. In my previous article, I told you how to care for your indoor bamboo plant and you found out fertilizers can help nourish it. I also told you about the best fertilizers for bamboo plants in water. Here are some protocols to make your homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant in water.

Before diving into them, let to tell you several general tips for using homemade fertilizers for bamboo plants:

  • Use them sparingly and dilute them properly. Over-fertilization can harm your lucky bamboo.
  • It’s best to apply fertilizers every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) and reduce or stop fertilizing in the winter when the plant’s growth slows down.
  • Ensure that your bamboo’s water is changed regularly to prevent the buildup of salts and other minerals from the fertilizers.
  • Follow a regular watering schedule to avoid over-fertilization and ensure the health of your lucky bamboo.
  • Monitor the overall health and growth of your lucky bamboo.

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Diluted Aquarium Water: A Comprehensive Lucky Bamboo Plant Food

Diluted Aquarium Water: A homemade fertilizer for Bamboo plant in water

If you have a fish tank, you can use the water from regular water changes as a homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant in water. The fish waste in the water acts as a natural fertilizer for the bamboo. please follow the following protocol:

  • During a routine water change for your fish tank, collect a portion of the old aquarium water in a clean container. It should be free of debris.
  • Make sure the water is at room temperature or slightly warmer.
  • Use this collected aquarium water to water your lucky bamboo.
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Nutrition Content and Benefits

Aquarium water is rich in nutrients, primarily from fish waste. It contains nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate), phosphorus, potassium, and various trace elements essential for plant growth.

Hence, the nutrients in aquarium water provide a good source of nutrition for your lucky bamboo. It promotes healthy growth and overall plant vitality.

Tips for Using Fish Tank Water as a Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

  • Use aquarium water that’s rich in nutrients, as it contains fish waste and other organic matter.
  • Ensure it’s free from any debris or uneaten food to prevent water quality issues.
  • Monitor your plant reaction, you should dilute it to prevent overfertilization. As I told you in my previous article about how to fertilize lucky bamboo in water, this plant is sensitive to over-fertilization.

Green Tea: A week Homemade Fertilizer for bamboo plant

Green tea not only has a lot of benefits for your health, but Its nutrients can also provide some nutrients to the bamboo plant. You can make your homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant in water with the following instructions:

  • Boil a cup of water and steep a green tea bag in it to make a strong tea.
  • Allow the tea to cool completely to room temperature.
  • Dilute the tea with an equal amount of water to create a weak green tea solution.
  • Use the diluted green tea to water your lucky bamboo.

Nutrition Content and Benefits

Green tea contains traces of nitrogen, potassium, and other micronutrients. I discuss the role of these nutrients in a fertilizer in my previous article about the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo. Green tea is relatively low in nutrients compared to specialized plant fertilizers.

While the nutrient content in green tea is limited, it can offer a mild boost to your lucky bamboo’s growth. Additionally, the tannins in tea may help improve the water’s pH. 

Tips for Using Green Tea as Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

  • Make sure the green tea solution is weak, as bamboo is sensitive to strong concentrations of tea.
  • Use only a mild brew to prevent over-fertilization.
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Epsom Salt Solution: Magnesium-source homemade fertilizer for bamboo

Epsom Salt Solution: Magnesium-source homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) in water can help with magnesium deficiencies in your bamboo plant. Make your homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant in water by following the below protocol:

  • Dissolve about 1/4 teaspoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water. Ensure the salt is completely dissolved.
  • Stir well to mix the solution thoroughly.
  • Use this Epsom salt solution to water your lucky bamboo sparingly.

Nutrition Content and Benefits

Epsom salt is primarily composed of magnesium and sulfur. Since Magnesium is essential for chlorophyll production, it plays a key role in photosynthesis. Hence, Epsom salt can help:

  • Prevent magnesium deficiencies
  • Promoting healthy and green foliage in your lucky bamboo.

Tips for Using Epsom Salt as a Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

  • You must use Epsom salt sparingly.
  • Overusing it can lead to magnesium buildup, which can harm your bamboo.
  • Apply the solution once every 2-3 months or as needed.

Banana Peel Tea: Potassium-Source Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

You can use the Banana Peel Tea to fertilize your lucky bamboo. The potassium and other nutrients from the banana peel will leach into the water. Below you can find one of the best protocols to make it.

  • Place a banana peel in a container.
  • Fill the container with water and cover it.
  • Let the banana peel soak in the water for a few days, ideally up to a week.
  • Strain the liquid to remove any solids, and use the banana peel tea to water your lucky bamboo.

Nutrition Content and Benefits

Banana peel tea provides potassium and small amounts of other nutrients. Although Potassium is important for flowering and overall plant health, using banana peel tea can encourage strong, vibrant growth in your lucky bamboo.

Tips for Using Banana Peel Tea as a Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

  • When making banana peel tea, it is important to ensure the water is clear and free of mould or unpleasant odours.
  • If the solution becomes foul, you must discard it and start fresh.

Rice Water: Liquide Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

Rice Water: Liquide Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

After rinsing the rice, save the water and use it to water your bamboo. Rice water contains some nutrients that can be beneficial.

  • After rinsing rice, save the water that you used to rinse it.
  • Allow the rice water to cool to room temperature.
  • Use the rice water to water your lucky bamboo.

Nutrition Content and Benefits

Rice water may contain small amounts of starch and some traces of minerals from the rice. While not highly nutritious, rice water can provide some mild nourishment and help maintain proper moisture levels in the container.

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Tips for Using Rice Water as a Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

  • Use the rice water after it has cooled to room temperature.
  • Don’t apply hot or boiling water, as it can shock the plant’s roots. 

Crushed Eggshells: Calcium-source Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

Crushed Eggshells: Calcium-source Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

Crushed eggshells can be added to the water. They release calcium as they break down, which can benefit the plant.

  • Save eggshells and allow them to dry thoroughly.
  • Crush the dried eggshells into small pieces. You can use a mortar and pestle or a food processor.
  • Sprinkle the crushed eggshells evenly on top of the pebbles in the container holding your lucky bamboo.

Nutrition Content and Benefits

As I told you above, eggshells are a source of calcium. Since Calcium is vital for cell wall formation and overall plant structure, crushed eggshells can help prevent calcium deficiencies and maintain strong, healthy bamboo stems.

Tips for Using Eggshells as a  Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

  • Crush the eggshells into small pieces, but avoid creating powder.
  • Small shell fragments release calcium slowly, benefiting the plant without causing issues.

Molasses Solution: Homemade Fertilizer to Promote Microbial Activity

Mix a small amount of unsulfured molasses in water to water your lucky bamboo as a homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant in water. This provides some nutrients and can promote beneficial microbial activity. You can make it through the following protocol:

  • Mix about 1 teaspoon of unsulfured molasses into a gallon of water. Stir until the molasses is completely dissolved.
  • Use this diluted molasses solution to water your lucky bamboo sparingly.
  • Diluted Fish Tank Water Conditioner:

Nutrition Content and Benefits

Molasses contains sugars and trace minerals, primarily potassium. Molasses can stimulate microbial activity in the water, improving nutrient availability to the bamboo. The potassium in molasses supports overall plant health.

Tips for Using Molasses as a Homemade Fertilizer for Bamboo Plant in Water

Use molasses sparingly. It can provide essential nutrients and promote beneficial microbial activity, but excessive use may lead to an imbalance in the container’s ecosystem.


To make your homemade fertilizer for bamboo plant in water, here I Provided you with 7 protocols. Now you can make your favorite DIV lucky bamboo plant food. Have you ever used a homemade fertilizer for your houseplants? Do you know a DIY fertilizer that I didn’t mention above? Please share your experiences and ideas with our readers below this page.





Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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