5 Rare Hoyas: The Best Picks for Rare Hoya’s Collectors

Rare hoyas: a beatiful Hoya plant with purple blooms

Are you a gardening enthusiast who searches for Rare hoyas for sale? I find 5 species and varieties of this strikingly beautiful houseplant including Hoya davidcummingii, H. macrophylla, H. retusa, H. carnosa “Compact”, and H. carnosa “Nova Ghost” as Rare hoyas. I selected them for the following reasons:

1. Their limited availability: some have hard-to-access natural habitats or propagation is difficult in nurseries. So, you cannot find them in every houseplant collection making them rare hoya species.

2. Some rare Hoyas species have uncommon foliage or flowers making them rare among Hoya collectors. It causes a demand for these Hoya varieties among gardening enthusiasts, leading to their high value and price and making them rare.

Let’s get going to know more about them.

A Captivating Collection of Rare Hoyas

Rare Hoyas: a Hoya species with variegated foliage

Hoya Plants (you may find them with other common names such as Wax Plants or Porcelain Flowers) are very popular among Americans and Canadians due to their attractive veining foliage and stunning flowers which appear as clusters of waxy, star-shaped blooms. In some Hoya species, the flowers are fragrant with a sweet scent, especially in the evening.

In the following, you can find the images and a brief overview of the appearance of the 5 rare Hoya plants. let’s find them.

1. Hoya davidcummingii

Hoya davidcummingii is a rare Hoya species

Hoya davidcummingii is a trailing rare hoya species with a compact growth habit. Its oval-shaped leaves are relatively small and succulent-type (thick and waxy with a glossy texture). I put this species on the list of my rare hoyas due to its unusual pink star-shaped flowers.

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2. Hoya macrophylla

Hoya macrophylla with its four varieties

In the above pic, you can see four famous of this rare hoya species:

  • Hoya macrophylla “Albomarginata”
  • Hoya macrophylla “Snow Queen”
  • Hoya macrophylla “Variegate”
  • Hoya macrophylla “Pot of Gold”.

Hoya macrophylla has large, ovate to heart-shaped leaves that are thick and fleshy. Its fragrant blooms can vary in colour from white to pink or even purple.

3. Hoya retusa

Hoya retusa with its liner foliage and white-purple flowers

Hoya retusa is a rare Hoya species with unique slender leaves. Its liner, succulent-type leaves resemble long, narrow tubes. The leaves are often slightly twisted or curving-shaped. I love its small, star-shaped flowers, especially with their stunning white or pale pink colours.

4. Hoya carnosa “Compact”

Hoya carnosa "Compact" has curled succulent-type leaves

I’m sure you would love to have a Hoya carnosa compacta in your indoor plant collection. This rare hoya species is also known as the Hindu rope plant due to its tightly twisted and curled succulent-type leaves that give it a rope-like appearance.

Its thick and waxy leaves are often dark green. If you care for your Hoya carnosa compacta well, it will reward you with its star-shaped flowers usually pink or white hues. Hoya carnosa is also a cat-safe hanging houseplant.

5. Hoya carnosa “Nova Ghost”

Hoya carnosa "Nova Ghost" with its variegated leaves

Although Hoya carnosa nova ghost is another cultivar of Hoya carnosa, I put it in a separate position in my list because its appearance differs from Hoya carnosa compacta.

This rare hoya variety has variegated leaves with creamy-white to pale-yellow markings which create unique patterns on the leaves. Although its foliage is very different from Hoya carnosa compacta, its flowers are similar to it in terms of shape and colour.

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How to care for rare Hoyas?

Hoya plants are typically vining or trailing houseplants with over 520 species. Although every species may have its specific caring for points, here I will note some general tips which will help you to have healthy lush rare Hoyas.

Put your hoya pot in a bright place in your house with indirect sunlight. I discussed various light types in a house depending on the window face types in my other post about Bamboo light requirements. It can be also helpful for you to find the best place for your rare Hoyas in your house.

• Although your Hoya can tolerate some morning or evening sun, there is the risk of leaf burns if exposed to intense, direct sunlight.

• A golden point in caring for Hoya plants is Hoya species are tropical plants, so cannot tolerate cold drafts or temperatures below 50°F (10°C). Hence, to make your Hoya plant happy, you should provide it with average to warm temperatures (60-85°F or 15-29°C).

• Most new gardeners lose their rare hoya plants due to overwatering. I strongly recommend avoiding waterlogged conditions by:

  •  ➡ Planting your rare hoyas in well-draining soil.
  •  ➡ Watering your Hopa plant just only when the top inch of its potting soil feels dry.

• If you want to plant your rare Hoya plant in a stunning cachepot, I recommend reading my article about how to plant in pots without drainage holes and the best practices for watering in pots without drainage holes.

Hoya plants typically love slightly higher humidity levels, especially during the growing season. To provide their proper humidity, please read my other article about bamboo humidity to find several practical ways to do it.

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• Fertilizing the Hoya plants is another frequent question that indoor gardeners often ask me. It’s not challenging. You should fertilize your rare Hoya species with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Read its instructions before fertilizing, however, I think you should dilute it to half strength for fertilizing Hoya plants. perform fertilizing during growth seasons and stop it in fall and winter.


Now you have a collection of 5 stunning rare Hoyas to add to your indoor plant collection. You also found pro tips about caring for Hoya plants that will be helpful, especially for new gardeners. Although most rare Hoya species are low-maintenance house plants, overwatering, cold conditions and direct sunlight can kill them.

Which of these rare hoya plants is on top of your favourite list? Do you know other rare Hoya species or varieties? Please share your ideas and experiences with me below this page. You can also ask me your questions about Hoya plants. I will answer them as soon as possible.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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