Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
149 Posts
Are Mushrooms in your Houseplant Good Luck?

Are Mushrooms in your Houseplant Good Luck?

I believe growing mushrooms in houseplants is good luck. They not only bring a lot of benefits for your indoor plants but also there are beliefs about how seeing mushrooms can bring good things to your day. However, there are concerns about them too. If you have spotted a mushroom in your houseplant and are searching for "Are mushrooms in your houseplant good luck?" join me here to give you an overview. In this article, I will tell you about: Mushroom Superstitions. The common mushrooms growing in your houseplant. Are mushrooms in houseplants good luck? Are mushrooms in your houseplant…
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Mealybugs on Houseplants + Get rid of them

Mealybugs on Houseplants + Get rid of them

May you think someone spread powder on your houseplant but if you spot them closely, you will find tiny white bugs on them: Mealybugs on houseplants. Join us in this article to tell you: What are mealybugs on your houseplant? (Their appearance, habit and symptom of the infested plant) What causes mealybugs on your houseplant? Where do mealybugs come from? How to get rid of them and prevent them from again infestation? You should know mealybugs are only one kind of common tiny bug that you may find on your houseplant. hence, if you are not sure about the identity…
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Tiny White Dots in Houseplant Soil: Root Mealybugs

Tiny White Dots in Houseplant Soil: Root Mealybugs

If you have a weak houseplant that you cannot solve its problem with fertilizing, join us in this article to speak with you about tiny white dots in houseplant soil: Root Mealybugs. In the following, we will help you design a perfect strategy to get rid of mealybugs in your houseplant soil. In the present article, we want to speak with you about root mealybugs, however, in addition to mealybugs, there are about 6 common tiny bugs that live in houseplant soil including: Root Aphids Isopods (Pill bugs) Springtails Scales Fungus gnats Earwigs Some of these tiny bugs attack your…
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Tiny silver bugs in houseplant soil: Detect by image+ Get rid of them

Tiny silver bugs in houseplant soil: Detect by image+ Get rid of them

Based on my experience, most tiny silver bugs in houseplant soil are springtails, root aphids, root mealybugs, soil mites, isopods or even silverfish. If you are shocked by a hundred tiny silver bugs in your potted soil and are searching for a way to get rid of them, I’m here to help you. My academic major is plant protection, I work as a horticultural consultant. In this post, I want to answer the frequent questions people often ask me about silver bugs in soil. One morning, when I was watering my beautiful Monstera plant many years ago, I saw tiny white…
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Yellow Mushrooms Growing in Houseplant + Best Reviewed Ways to Get Rid of them

Yellow Mushrooms Growing in Houseplant + Best Reviewed Ways to Get Rid of them

Have you spotted the new strange guests in the soil of your houseplant?  Based on my experiences most yellow mushrooms growing in houseplant are Leucocoprinus birnbaumii and are toxic and cause unpleasant stomach upsets. You can get rid of them by repotting your house plant and changing their optimal growing conditions. Why are these yellow mushrooms growing in your houseplants’ soil?  Are these yellow mushrooms harmful to my Indoor plant?  How can I get rid of them? I have PhD in Plant protection science and want to answer the above questions. I will help you to identify and get rid…
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What is Yellow Mold in Houseplant Soil? Get Rid of Fuligo Septica

What is Yellow Mold in Houseplant Soil? Get Rid of Fuligo Septica

If you spot a bubbly, slimy unsightly blotch in the soil of your indoor or outdoor plant and are concerned about “What is it? Is it dangerous?  I tell you it is Fuligo Septica a yellow mold in houseplant soil. Except for using chemical fungicides, you can get rid of them by removing mold from the soil or repotting your potted plant. However, some points you must consider with this issue. Walk with me in this post to answer all your questions about the yellow mold in your houseplant soil and how to get rid of it. I’m a plant…
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White Mushroom Growing in Houseplant: Detect and Get Rid of Them

White Mushroom Growing in Houseplant: Detect and Get Rid of Them

Various types of mushrooms can thrive in your potted plant soil from white to brown or even black mushrooms. Leucocoprinus birnbaumii is the most common white mushroom growing in houseplant. This mushroom is not edible, so if eaten by kids or pets, it causes stomach problems. Hence, you should get rid of white mushrooms growing in potted plants. Join me in this post to tell you everything you must know about them. After reading the present article you can answer the following questions: What is white mushroom in the soil of my houseplants? How to identify them? Is white mushroom…
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Mushroom Growing in Houseplants: Detect and Get Rid of them Easily

Mushroom Growing in Houseplants: Detect and Get Rid of them Easily

Various mushrooms can grow in your houseplant in shapes and colors from brown, yellow, white, grey, black, or even green hues. The yellow and white mushrooms often belong to the species Leucopcoprinus birnbaumii. Other types may contain different species, for example, the brown mushroom growing in houseplants may belong to the Coprinus or Conocybe genera. So, keep reading to tell you more details about indoor mushrooms in potted plants. After reading this article, you can answer the following questions: What is the mushroom growing in my houseplant soil? Why are mushrooms growing in my houseplant soil? Is it bad if mushrooms…
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Indoor Brown Mushrooms Growing in Houseplant: Detect and Get Rid of them with Tested Methodes

Indoor Brown Mushrooms Growing in Houseplant: Detect and Get Rid of them with Tested Methodes

If you have been shocked by seeing indoor brown mushrooms in your houseplant, they most likely are Coprinellus micaceus, Coprinopsis atramentaria, or Conocybe sp. Various types of mushrooms are common in house plants including yellow mushrooms, gray mushrooms and also brown mushrooms. Most people after seeing them say  "Why?", "How?",  "Is it dangerous?",  Join me in this article to tell you about: Identification of brown mushrooms growing in the soil of your houseplants. Can they hit your houseplant or you? Why are they growing in the soil of your houseplants? How to get rid of them? How to prevent them? I know…
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Grey mushroom in houseplant + Detect it by its image

Grey mushroom in houseplant + Detect it by its image

If you have spotted a grey mushroom in your houseplant or garden and are searching, who are they? Grooved bonnet (Mycena polygramma), Grey Knight (Tricholoma terreum), and Grey Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) are three grey mushrooms that may appear in your houseplant pot. Are they harmful to my indoor plant? Are they toxic or eatable mushrooms? Join me in this article to tell you everything you should know about grey mushrooms in houseplants. House gardeners usually report the growth of yellow, white, brown, or grey mushrooms in the houseplants, they want to know: Who are these mushrooms? How they can come in…
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