5 Best Indoor Grass for Rabbits: A Comfy Addition to Your Bunny’s Life

Best Indoor Grass for Rabbits

If you have rabbits in your house and are searching for ways to enhance their well-being, join this article to find the best indoor grass for rabbits and learn how to grow them indoors.

People love rabbits due to these small adorable, furry companions can add countless joy to homes. They are safe friends of our kids that can entertain children for hours. So, most people want to provide the best indoor environments for their rabbits. Hence, which one can make your furry friend happier than adding indoor grass to its habitat?

Whether you opt for a DIY approach or purchase pre-grown grass, here you will find all the things you need to know. So keep reading. I first provide you with a list of the best indoor grass for rabbits and then will give you an in-depth guide on how to grow indoor grass for your funny small friend.

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List of the Best Indoor Grass for Rabbits

Best Indoor Grass for Rabbits to be happy

Here, you will find 5 of the best Indoor Grasses for Rabbits. Scroll among them and select the best one for your furry friend.

  1. Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) – A DIY Option

Wheatgrass is a top pick when it comes to indoor grass for rabbits. It’s rich in essential nutrients and provides a delightful grazing experience for your bunny. You can easily find wheatgrass seeds at your local garden store or online, making it a great DIY project for rabbit owners.

  1. Barley Grass (Hordeum vulgare)

Barley grass is another excellent choice for your rabbit. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that promote your rabbit’s overall health. Many rabbit owners love the fresh, mild flavour of barley grass, which makes it one of the best grasses for rabbits.

  1. Oat Grass (Avena sativa) – A DIY Option

Oat grass is not only nutritious but also easy to grow indoors, making it another ideal DIY option. It’s known for its soft texture, making it a comfortable and tasty treat for your rabbit. Providing oat grass can help satisfy your bunny’s natural grazing instincts.

When you grow this indoor grass, aphids can be one of the important problems of Oat grass.

  1. Rye Grass (Lolium perenne)

Ryegrass is a hardy option that’s resilient and grows well in indoor environments. It’s a great choice for rabbit owners looking for a grass variety that can withstand enthusiastic nibbling.

  1. Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis)

Meadow foxtail is a lesser-known option but offers a unique taste and texture that some rabbits adore. It’s worth trying if you want to introduce variety into your bunny’s diet.

How to Grow Indoor Grass for Rabbits

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of growing indoor grass for your rabbits. Ensuring your bunny has a continuous supply of fresh greens is essential for their well-being. By following these detailed steps, you can create a thriving indoor grass patch for your rabbit, ensuring they have access to nutritious greens year-round.

Additionally, indoor grass can add a green view to your home with other colourful houseplants.

 💡 Watch how to grow your own rabbit food in the below video:

  1. Select the Right Container

For your DIY project, choose a shallow container or tray with good drainage. This will prevent overwatering and ensure healthy grass growth. Grass plants are not appropriate for planting in pots without drainage holes. Make sure the container is large enough to accommodate your rabbit’s grazing needs.

  1. Use High-Quality Soil and Rabbit Grass Seeds

Fill the container with potting soil that is rich in nutrients. Scatter rabbit grass seeds evenly over the soil’s surface. Be generous with the seeds to ensure a lush growth of grass. Gently press the seeds into the soil to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

How to Grow Indoor Grass for Rabbits

  1. Watering

Water the soil thoroughly but avoid making it waterlogged. Keep the soil wet, not soggy, for successful growth. For doing it, using a spray bottle is an effective way to ensure even moisture distribution.

  1. Provide Adequate Light

Place the container in a well-lit area, preferably near a window with indirect sunlight. Grass needs light to grow, so ensure your bunny’s indoor grass gets enough of it for optimal growth. You can rotate the container periodically to ensure even growth.

  1. Temperature and Humidity

Maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity level in the room. Most grasses prefer temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C) to grow well. Ensure the room is not too dry, as this can hinder grass growth. In humid conditions, you may spot tiny bugs in the soil, you must treat it in natural ways such as neem oil.

  1. Trim and Serve

Once the grass reaches a height of about 4-6 inches, trim it with scissors, leaving a few inches of growth. This allows the grass to regrow and provides your rabbit with a continuous supply of fresh greens. Present the trimmed grass to your bunny, and watch them enjoy their tasty treat.

Indoor Grass for Rabbits: Reviews from Rabbit Owners

Indoor Grass for Rabbits: Reviews

We reached out to several rabbit owners who have incorporated indoor grass into their pets’ lives. The consensus is clear: Rabbits adore indoor grass. It not only adds variety to their diet but also keeps them engaged and entertained. Many owners have reported positive changes in their rabbits’ health and demeanour after introducing indoor grass.


Now, that you learned how to enhance the indoor environment of rabbits, indoor grass provides your furry companion with a continuous supply of fresh greens. Undoubtedly it is a fantastic addition to your rabbit’s living space. You found the best indoor grass for rabbits and learned how to grow them DIY.

Have you ever planted indoor grass for your rabbit? Is your way different from our growing method? Can you add other indoor grass to our list? Please share your experiences with our readers below this page.

In the following I answered some of the most frequent questions about indoor grass for rabbits, please read them and if you have more questions, please ask me below this page.

  1. Is indoor grass safe for rabbits?

Yes, the indoor grass mentioned above is safe for rabbits and can be a healthy addition to their diet. It provides essential nutrients and keeps them engaged.

  1. How often should I replace the indoor grass for my rabbit?

You should replace indoor grass when it becomes too overgrown or soiled. Generally, it’s a good idea to refresh it every few weeks.

  1. Can I use regular garden soil for indoor grass?

It’s best to use potting soil for indoor grass, as it is specifically formulated to provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

  1. Are there any grass varieties that rabbits should avoid?

Some grasses, like Bermuda grass, can be harmful to rabbits due to their high fibre content. Stick to safe options like wheatgrass, barley grass, and oat grass.

  1. Can indoor grass replace hay in my rabbit’s diet?

Indoor grass can supplement your rabbit’s diet, but it shouldn’t replace hay entirely. Hay is a crucial component of their diet for dental health and fibre intake.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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