
No-Light Plants or Low-Light Plants: Choose Wisely with Tried Tips

No-Light Plants or Low-Light Plants: Choose Wisely with Tried Tips

What plants do well with no light? Don’t waste your time and money, there aren’t any no-light plants, however, some houseplants (called low-light plants) can tolerate low-light conditions but not zero-light. Anyway, if you have a dark room and want to add plants to it, a lot of tips and facts are related to this issue with a lot of incorrect points. keep reading to find a true strategy and make your sound. Hi, I’m a horticultural consultant who has PhD in plant protection. Join me here to tell you facts about “what plants need little to no light”. It’s…
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Best Tested Fertilizer for Hoya to Bloom: Getting Hoya to Bloom Easily

Best Tested Fertilizer for Hoya to Bloom: Getting Hoya to Bloom Easily

To encourage blooming in Hoya, you must use fertilizers that the number of phosphorus is higher than Nitrogen, for example, 5-10-5 or 5-10-3 are the right ratios of fertilizer for Hoya to bloom. Hoya plants are popular flowering house plants that produce a cluster of beautiful star-shaped flowers in various hues from white to red. Another thing that makes this flowering hanging plant ideal for indoors is most Hoya plants are safe for dogs and cats. Keep reading to tell you How to use a fertilizer for the Hoya plants and pro tips you must know. What Is a 5-10-5…
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Are Hoya Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Are Hoya Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Although some Hoya species such as Hoya carnosa are not toxic to dogs, there isn’t enough information about other Hoya species. By in large, Are Hoya Plants Toxic to Dogs? you can assume Hoya plants are safe for dogs, however, better to be cautious about rare Hoya plants. Keep reading to find out more details. Which Hoya Species Are Not Toxic to Dogs? I think the best reliable source for finding toxic and non-toxic plants for pets is the ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®). There, you can find lists of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants for cats,…
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Hoya macrophylla Albomarginata VS Variegate: Resolved

Hoya macrophylla Albomarginata VS Variegate: Resolved

Hi, I’m a horticultural consultant and believe that the  Albomarginata and Variegate are the same variety in the Hoya macrophylla species. Join me in this post to tell you, some points about Hoya macrophylla albomarginata vs variegate. Hoya macrophylla is a popular but rare Hoya species with 4 stunning varieties. Two of its varieties including 'Albomarginata' and 'Variegata', are very similar and most people confuse to distinguish them. and in this post, I want to discuss a common challenge about Hoya macrophylla albomarginata vs variegate. Let’s get going. Hoya macrophylla albomarginata vs variegate: Experts Answer There are two beliefs among…
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5 Rare Hoyas: The Best Picks for Rare Hoya’s Collectors

5 Rare Hoyas: The Best Picks for Rare Hoya’s Collectors

Are you a gardening enthusiast who searches for Rare hoyas for sale? I find 5 species and varieties of this strikingly beautiful houseplant including Hoya davidcummingii, H. macrophylla, H. retusa, H. carnosa "Compact", and H. carnosa "Nova Ghost" as Rare hoyas. I selected them for the following reasons: 1. Their limited availability: some have hard-to-access natural habitats or propagation is difficult in nurseries. So, you cannot find them in every houseplant collection making them rare hoya species. 2. Some rare Hoyas species have uncommon foliage or flowers making them rare among Hoya collectors. It causes a demand for these Hoya varieties…
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5 Peperomia obtusifolia Varieties for my Outstanding Indoor Décor

5 Peperomia obtusifolia Varieties for my Outstanding Indoor Décor

Hi, keep with me in this post to show you 5 stunning types of peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant) with their images.  I’m a horticultural consultant (My academic major is plant protection), People sometimes ask me about the Peperomia obtusifolia varieties. They want to identify the type of their Baby Rubber Plant or decide which Peperomia obtusifolia varieties for their indoor décor. Every plant has only one scientific name, but it often has several common names and a lot of varieties. It causes people to often get confused. For example: Peperomia obtusifolia is the scientific name of the Baby Rubber…
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Best Types of Peperomia caperata for my Indoor Décor + Tested Caring Points

Best Types of Peperomia caperata for my Indoor Décor + Tested Caring Points

Hi, I’m a horticultural consultant, join me in this post to show you a collection of types of Peperomia caperata images. It will help you to choose the best one for your indoor décor. I also will tell you points to caring for your Peperomia based on my knowledge and experiences. Keep reading The Ripple Peperomia with the scientific name of Peperomia caperata belongs to the Piperaceae (pepper) family. if you are interested in terminology, its scientific name is derived from: Greek words: peperi (pepper) + homoios (resembles) due to its similarity to Piper nigrum (black pepper plant). Latin word:…
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Flowering House Plants: The perfect options | 2024

Flowering House Plants: The perfect options | 2024

If you are searching to add natural beauty, color, and texture to your home, flowering plants are the best idea. They create a visually appealing and boost your mood. They can promote a sense of happiness and well-being after a hard working day by enhancing the overall aesthetics of your home. In addition, some of them can release moisture during transpiration, purify indoor air by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen, or even emit pleasant fragrances. So, join this article to find a huge collection of the best indoor flowering house plants to add to your house.  :arrow: You can also…
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Caring for Succulents in Winter: Expert-Backed Tips

Caring for Succulents in Winter: Expert-Backed Tips

By coming cold seasons, most plants go dormant. what to do with succulents in winter to protect them? Do they go dormancy? Must I do special caring for succulents in winter? Keep reading. Hi, I’m a horticultural consultant (my academic major is plant protection) and want to tell you pro tips for taking care of succulents in winter based on my experiences. It is a common challenge for most succulents’ fans. They often ask me: How to care for succulents in winter? How often should I water them in cold months? Can I repot succulents in fall and winter? They…
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6 Best Small Low-Light Succulents Indoors + Caring Points

6 Best Small Low-Light Succulents Indoors + Caring Points

One of my friends works in an office and seeks ways to add colours to her lifeless room. A while ago, she asked me to introduce small low-maintenance indoor plants that can grow in her dim room. I suggested several small low-light succulents indoors such as Cylindrical Snake Plant and Ox Tongue. However, almost all succulents are happier in bright indirect sunlight. Hi, I’m a horticultural consultant with a Ph.D. in plant protection science. I decided to share with you 6 small succulents that don't need sun along with my knowledge and experiences in this post. If you have a dim room and…
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