Can Lemongrass Grow in Water? A Comprehensive Guide

Can Lemongrass Grow in Water?

Are you a fan of hydroponic planting and prefer to grow your favourite houseplant in water instead of soil? join this article to learn how to grow lemongrass indoors in water.

I’m a plant pathologist who works in the field of indoor gardening. One of the most frequent questions that people usually ask me is: Can lemongrass grow in water? Yes, it can if you do it correctly.

I decided to write this post to answer a lot of questions that nowadays people ask about growing lemongrass in water from care guidelines to how long it takes for lemongrass to root in water. Keep reading to find step-by-step instructions to propagate and grow lemongrass in water.

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Lemongrass: Identifying the Herb by its image

lemongrass appearance

Before delving into the world of growing lemongrass in water, you should identify this aromatic grass correctly. Most grasses are very similar due to their narrow, long green leaves.

Some grasses are edible and others may be toxic. Lemongrass is one of the edible ones with a distinct lemony scent that makes it a popular addition to various culinary dishes, teas, and even fragrances. It has also medical use. If you have a furry friend, Lemongrass is one of the best grasses for rabbits. So there are a lot of benefits to growing lemongrass indoors.

So. most people are interested in growing it indoors. I‘ve discussed the benefits of growing lemongrass indoors in another article.

Let’s go back to our primary question: How you can detect lemongrass from other grass?

  • Lemongrass, scientifically known as Cymbopogon citratus, is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia and Africa.
  • This plant like other grass has long, slender, and grass-like leaves.
  • Lemongrass can reach heights of up to four feet and forms clumps of slender, green stems that resemble tall grass.
  • The leaves are narrow, sharp-edged, and light green, with a slightly serrated edge.
  • The leaves have a distinct lemony scent.
  • It has small white flowers.

💡 I always look for the following key characteristics to identify lemongrass simply:

  • The lemony aroma.
  • Tall grass-like stems.
  • Narrow and sharp-edged leaves.

Can Lemongrass Grow in Water? Step-by-Step Guide

Growing Lemongrass in Water

As mentioned above, lemongrass is native to Southeast Asia and Africa, so to grow it outdoors, you must live in a tropical region. Growing lemongrass indoors allows you to have its fresh leaves year-round.

Growing in water is one of the popular ways that you can have your indoor garden without the problems of planting in soil.

Let’s find out how can Lemongrass Grow in Water.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies (make the table)

To start growing lemongrass in water, you’ll need the following supplies:

  • A healthy lemongrass stalk or a fresh lemongrass plant.
  • A glass or jar with a narrow neck (around 8-10 inches tall).
  • Distilled or filtered water.
  • A sunny location or a grow light.
  • Liquid fertilizer (optional).

Step 2: Prepare the Lemongrass Stalk

Begin by selecting a healthy lemongrass stalk. Look for one with a firm base and intact roots, if possible. Cut the stalk into sections, each about six inches in length, ensuring that each section has a few inches of the root system attached.

Planting Lemongrass in Water

Step 3: Planting in Water

Fill your glass or jar with enough water to submerge the lemongrass sections while leaving the top portion exposed to air. Place the lemongrass sections into the container, ensuring that the roots are submerged in water.

Step 4: Provide Adequate Light

Can Lemongrass Grow in Water? If you want to say “yes” you must note to lighting. Lemongrass requires plenty of sunlight to thrive. Place your container in a sunny location, preferably receiving 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. If natural light is insufficient, consider using a grow light to supplement it.

Step 5: Care and Maintenance

To ensure successful growth, follow these care guidelines:

  • Change the water every two to three days to prevent stagnation and the growth of algae. It is critical to prevent root rot.
  • Consider adding a diluted liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season to provide essential nutrients.
  • Trim the top growth as needed to encourage bushier and healthier growth.
  • if you spot tiny bugs such as aphids or spider mites on your grass, try to get rid of them with natural pesticides such as Neem oil spray.

Now you have found out how Can Lemongrass Grow in Water, let to answer the next frequent question. keep reading.

How Long Does It Take Lemongrass to Root in Water?

How Long Does It Take Lemongrass to Root in Water?

Now, it’s turn to answer one of the burning questions: How long does it take for lemongrass to root in water?

The rooting time in water can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The initial health of the lemongrass stalk.
  • The temperature of the environment that you keep them.
  • The amount of sunlight.

On average, if you do all things well, you can expect to see roots forming within 2-4 weeks and say “Yes” to the “Can Lemongrass Grow in Water?”.

Let me tell you pro tips to expedite the rooting process, consider them.

  • Use Healthy Lemongrass: Start with a fresh, healthy lemongrass stalk with intact roots for faster results.
  • Maintain Ideal Conditions: Ensure that your lemongrass receives the right amount of sunlight, warmth, and water changes to promote rapid root growth.
  • Rooting Hormone: Optionally, you can dip the cut end of the lemongrass stalk in a rooting hormone before planting it in water. This can stimulate faster root development.
  • Warmth: Provide a consistently warm environment (around 70-80°F or 21-27°C) for your lemongrass, as warmth encourages root growth.

In conclusion:

Can lemongrass grow in water? yes, lemongrass can indeed grow in water, and it can be a rewarding endeavour for herb enthusiasts.

By following the step-by-step guide and implementing proper care techniques, you can enjoy fresh lemongrass indoors throughout the year. So, why do you wait?


From now far if someone asks you “Can lemongrass grow in water?” you will answer: yes. Now you have a practical guideline to grow lemongrass hydroponically. Congratulate!

Have you ever experienced the hydroponic ways to grow houseplants? Do you like to grow your plant in soil or water?

Most people are searching for ways to get rid of the draining problems from the bottom of pots. Do you think to solve this problem which way is more practical: growing in water or planting in pots without drainage holes?

Please share your experience and ideas with our readers below this page.


Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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