Can you Submerge Lucky Bamboo in Water? Ultimate Answer

Can you Submerge Lucky Bamboo in Water? Ultimate Answer

Here, I will answer “Can you submerge lucky bamboo in water?” with pro tips about caring for lucky bamboo in water-based environments such as planting in water or rocks by exploring its growing preference.

Growing lucky bamboo in water and rocks is a trend and most people like to add a cachepot of lucky bamboo to their indoor decor. Using, lucky bamboo in Feng Shui practices also has an impact on its popularity.

Although lucky bamboo is one of the easy-growing kinds of indoor bamboo plants there are tips that you must consider them to care for indoor bamboo houseplants.

In this article I want to answer one of the most frequent questions about lucky bamboo caring: “Can you submerge lucky bamboo in water?” with detail. Keep reading.

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Best Answer “Can you Submerge Lucky Bamboo in Water?”

Best Answer “Can you Submerge Lucky Bamboo in Water?”

Lucky bamboo like every plant has different parts (roots, stem, and leaves), and every part is adapted to live in a specific environment. If you want to grow your lucky bamboo in water or rocks and want to know “Can you submerge lucky bamboo in water?” you must consider the following tips:

Never Submerge the stem and leaves of Lucky bamboo in water

When growing lucky bamboo in water, never overfill the container with water to cover the stem and leaves. It can lead to rot or other issues. The stem and leaves are adapted to live in the air, not inside the water or soil.

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So, it’s important to monitor the water level regularly and add or replace water as needed to maintain the appropriate level.

Never Submerge the Roots of Lucky bamboo in water completely

Although the roots of lucky bamboo must be in contact with water, Lucky bamboo should not have its roots completely submerged in water. While the stalks of lucky bamboo can be placed in water, the roots should only be partially submerged.

Completely submerging the roots can lead to root rot and the deterioration of the plant. It’s essential to maintain the appropriate water level and change the water every two weeks to keep it fresh

How much water do you put in Lucky Bamboo?

Now that you find out the answer to the “Can you submerge lucky bamboo in water?” let me answer another frequent question “How much water do you put in Lucky Bamboo?”
If the lucky bamboo is grown in rocks or water, ensure that the roots are content with water at all times. Although, the water level should cover the roots, not submerge the entire stem or leaves.

Ideally, you should aim to cover around 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5 cm) of the roots with water. This allows the roots to absorb moisture while also providing some exposure to air.  Change the water every 2-4 weeks to prevent stagnation and maintain water quality.

If you are interested in growing your lucky bamboo in rocks or pebbles, I told you a lot of golden tips about how to water lucky bamboo in rocks in my previous article.

Pro Tips to Water Lucky Bamboo in Water?

Pro Tips to Water Lucky Bamboo in Water?

To understand the best answer to “Can you submerge lucky bamboo in water?” let me tell you about how you must water lucky bamboo in water. In the following, you can find some golden tips to water lucky bamboo when it’s cultivated in a vase or container filled with water:

  • Consider to Use Clean Water:
See also  How to Water Lucky Bamboo? | Pro Tips You Must Know

Always use clean, chlorine-free water. You can use tap water if you let it sit out for 24 hours to allow chlorine to evaporate. Alternatively, you can use filtered or bottled water.

  • Keep an Eye on the Water Level:

As mentioned above, keep the vase or container filled with enough water to submerge some parts of the roots, but make sure that the stems and leaves remain above the waterline. Lucky bamboo’s roots should always be in contact with water to thrive.

  • Always Check the Water Quality:

Change the water in the vase every 2-4 weeks to prevent it from becoming stagnant and to remove any potential buildup of impurities. Rinse the vase and the roots of the bamboo during water changes.

  • Water Temperature Is Important:

Use water that is at room temperature or slightly lukewarm. Avoid using extremely cold or hot water, as it can stress the plant.

Pro Tips to Grow Lucky Bamboo in Water?

Pro Tips to Grow Lucky Bamboo in Water?

However, finding the answer to “Can you submerge lucky bamboo in water?” is important to the healthy growth of this plant but it’s not sufficient. Hence, I decided to provide other tips that are important in growing lucky bamboo in water (or even rocks and pebbles). Let’s find out them.

  •  Pro Tips to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo in Water

Lucky bamboo doesn’t require frequent fertilization. You can add a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-3 months during the growing season (spring and summer). Be cautious not to over-fertilize, as this can harm the plant.

  • Check its Container for Algae

Keep an eye out for algae growth in the water. If you notice algae forming, you can gently remove it or replace the water more frequently to prevent its growth.

  • Choose the Best Container for Your Lucky Bamboo
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Ensure that the container or vase you use has no drainage holes to retain the water. The vase should be tall enough to support the bamboo’s height. You can find more tips about the best pot for lucky bamboo in my previous article.

  • Consider the Best Light for Your Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. Rotate the vase occasionally to ensure even growth. If you are interested to know where in your house is best to provide light requirements of your lucky bamboo, read my previous article to show you it based on your window kind (North, South, West, or East window).


Now you can easily answer “Can you submerge lucky bamboo in water?”. Here, I showed you pro tips about watering lucky bamboo while you care for it in water or rocks. you found out the roots of lucky bamboo must be in contact with water but you must avoid submerging them in water completely.

Do you think which one is easier: growing lucky bamboo in water or soil? why? please tell us about your experiences and ideas below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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