Light for Indoor Plants

Best Light for Growing Herbs Indoors According to My Test

Best Light for Growing Herbs Indoors According to My Test

My friend was interested in having an indoor herb garden for lovely cats but she didn't have a place with proper sunlight in her house. I helped her use an under-cabinet grow light for herbs to make her wish come true. Here, I want to share with you my knowledge and experiences and tell you what is the best indoor grow lights for herbs. I, as a horticultural consultant, think the best light for growing herbs indoors is a full-spectrum grow light. You must know your herbs require a minimum of 6-8 hours of sunlight per day to thrive healthy.…
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No-Light Plants or Low-Light Plants: Choose Wisely with Tried Tips

No-Light Plants or Low-Light Plants: Choose Wisely with Tried Tips

What plants do well with no light? Don’t waste your time and money, there aren’t any no-light plants, however, some houseplants (called low-light plants) can tolerate low-light conditions but not zero-light. Anyway, if you have a dark room and want to add plants to it, a lot of tips and facts are related to this issue with a lot of incorrect points. keep reading to find a true strategy and make your sound. Hi, I’m a horticultural consultant who has PhD in plant protection. Join me here to tell you facts about “what plants need little to no light”. It’s…
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Best Cheap Grow Light for Seedlings: Tested and Reviewed

Best Cheap Grow Light for Seedlings: Tested and Reviewed

Here, I will suggest the best cheap grow light for seedlings and tell you what features you must consider for buying a grow light. keep reading. Growing seedlings of herbs, vegetables, and any other type of plants in places without enough sunlight is possible with growing lights but what is the best cheap grow light for seedling? Seedlings are one of the most sensitive parts of growing plants, they are similar to a newborn baby. It is important to care for them perfectly and light plays a critical role in their healthy growth. In this post, I want to share…
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Best Under-Cabinet Grow Light for Herbs: Reviewed and Tested

Best Under-Cabinet Grow Light for Herbs: Reviewed and Tested

If you are a fan of indoor herbs like me, join this post to share my knowledge and experiences about a perfect idea that lets you make an indoor herbs garden in a dim place: an under-cabinet grow light for herbs. Before starting to do it, some points you must know. Let’s find them. I have a PhD in plant Protection science and work as a horticultural adviser. I love houseplants and try to add them to various parts of my house, especially my kitchen. But only a few parts of my home have ideal sunlight for growing plants. I…
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