5 Dazzling Gollum Jade Plant Types to Make Unique Your Indoor Succulent Collection
Along with Gollum Jade, some small crassula succulents like Hobbit Jade (Crassula ovata ‘Hobbit’), Variegated Gollum Jade (Crassula ovata ‘Gollum Variegata’), Skinny Fingers Jade (Crassula ovata ‘Skinny Fingers’), and Crassula Red Coral (Crassula ovata 'Red Coral') are lookalike and consider as Gollum jade plant types. Most people easily confuse these jade plants. Hence, I provided a gallery of these lovely small houseplant succulents and will show you how to distinguish them, in this post. I also will give you tips for caring for your Gollum jade plant collection. I’m a horticultural consultant and walk with you during this article, you…