Common and Best House Plants

5 Peperomia obtusifolia Varieties for my Outstanding Indoor Décor

5 Peperomia obtusifolia Varieties for my Outstanding Indoor Décor

Hi, keep with me in this post to show you 5 stunning types of peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant) with their images.  I’m a horticultural consultant (My academic major is plant protection), People sometimes ask me about the Peperomia obtusifolia varieties. They want to identify the type of their Baby Rubber Plant or decide which Peperomia obtusifolia varieties for their indoor décor. Every plant has only one scientific name, but it often has several common names and a lot of varieties. It causes people to often get confused. For example: Peperomia obtusifolia is the scientific name of the Baby Rubber…
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Best Types of Peperomia caperata for my Indoor Décor + Tested Caring Points

Best Types of Peperomia caperata for my Indoor Décor + Tested Caring Points

Hi, I’m a horticultural consultant, join me in this post to show you a collection of types of Peperomia caperata images. It will help you to choose the best one for your indoor décor. I also will tell you points to caring for your Peperomia based on my knowledge and experiences. Keep reading The Ripple Peperomia with the scientific name of Peperomia caperata belongs to the Piperaceae (pepper) family. if you are interested in terminology, its scientific name is derived from: Greek words: peperi (pepper) + homoios (resembles) due to its similarity to Piper nigrum (black pepper plant). Latin word:…
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Flowering House Plants: The perfect options | 2024

Flowering House Plants: The perfect options | 2024

If you are searching to add natural beauty, color, and texture to your home, flowering plants are the best idea. They create a visually appealing and boost your mood. They can promote a sense of happiness and well-being after a hard working day by enhancing the overall aesthetics of your home. In addition, some of them can release moisture during transpiration, purify indoor air by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen, or even emit pleasant fragrances. So, join this article to find a huge collection of the best indoor flowering house plants to add to your house.  :arrow: You can also…
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How to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo? 10 Pro Tips That You Must Know

How to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo? 10 Pro Tips That You Must Know

If you want to know “How to fertilize Lucky Bamboo?”, here, I will give you a comprehensive guideline with pro tips. Almost all houseplant lovers have a pot of Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) in their indoor plant collection. Lucky Bamboo is one of the low-maintenance kinds of indoor Bamboo plants, however, there are tips that you must consider for caring for it. In my previous article, I told you about taking care of indoor bamboo plants and discussed their requirements in detail such as their light requirements or the best ways to provide humidity for Lucky Bamboo. Another factor that…
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Lucky Bamboo Humidity: 5 Magic Ways + Pro Tips to Do

Lucky Bamboo Humidity: 5 Magic Ways + Pro Tips to Do

Are you worried about your lucky bamboo humidity? Join this article to tell you the best ways to provide sufficient humidity for your lucky bamboo with pro tips. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is one of the popular indoor bamboo types due to its use in Feng Shue practices and its aesthetic appeal.  It is in tall and small forms and caring for it is very easy. In my previous article, I told you about caring for indoor bamboo plants and considering some of their needs specifically such as light requirements of lucky bamboo. As you know the lucky bamboo can…
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Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements: Prevent Yellow or Brown Leaves

Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements: Prevent Yellow or Brown Leaves

Here you will find the pro tips about Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements by considering the various light conditions of your house. keep reading. Most people love to have Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) in their house due to many reasons from the Feng Shue belief to its low maintenance requirements and attractive appearance. However, it is not a safe plant for cats.  Are you a fan of Lucky Bamboo indoors? As you know Lucky Bamboo is one of the most popular types of indoor bamboo. In my previous article, I told you about taking care of indoor bamboo house plants including…
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Bamboo House Plant Care: All Tips You Must Know

Bamboo House Plant Care: All Tips You Must Know

Join this article to find pro tips for bamboo house plant care from its watering and light requirements to the best place to put it. keep reading. The bamboo plant is one of the most popular indoor plants, whether those are fans of Feng Shue or those who love a low-maintenance indoor plant with aesthesis appealing. In my previous article, I told you about the different types of Bamboo house plants. Among them, three indoor bamboo types are more common including: Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): Lucky Bamboo is one of the most well-known bamboo-like houseplants in the USA. It's not…
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12 Different Types of Indoor Bamboo Plants: Image + Caring Tips

12 Different Types of Indoor Bamboo Plants: Image + Caring Tips

If you are interested in adding a touch of natural beauty to your house, join this article to find 12 of the best different types of indoor bamboo plants with their images, and all the things you must know about caring for them. Most people love to add different types of bamboo house plants to their living space. There are a lot of reasons for its popularity. The bamboo house plant types due to their ability to bend without breaking are a symbol of resilience and flexibility. In addition, if you are a fan of Feng Shue, Bamboo will bring…
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Best Small flowering house plants indoors and outdoors + caring for

Best Small flowering house plants indoors and outdoors + caring for

Common flowering house plants with small blooms can be the perfect choice to enhance your ability to focus and concentrate on tasks. You can find them with their colourful flowers. In this article, I first give you a list of the best small flowering house plants, then I will give you pro tips about their caring requirements. If you want to grow your small flowering indoor plant outdoors too, in the following you can find a list of those that can thrive in outdoor conditions with tips that help to their viability. Finally, I provide you with a list of…
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6 Vegetables with Red Stems: Tested Caring Points and Recipe Ideas

6 Vegetables with Red Stems: Tested Caring Points and Recipe Ideas

Swiss Chard, Beet, and Rhubarb are Vegetables with Red Stems that can add nutritious and visually appealing to your plate. In this post, I will show you more examples of red stem green leaf vegetables and points you should know. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast, a culinary artist, or someone looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle, here, first, I will provide you with a list of 6 “red stalk vegetables”. I will show you how to identify them by their appearance and images, then I tell you about their growing conditions with caring points and finally show you how to add…
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