Rare Houseplants

Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive? Tips For Buying the Expensive Hoyas Cheaper

Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive? Tips For Buying the Expensive Hoyas Cheaper

Hoya plants include over 520 accepted species based on the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families as of April 2020. Some such as Hoya carnosa 'Argentea Princess', Hoya micrantha (splash), Hoya serpens, Hoya coriacea (silver), and Hoya 'Rachel' are so expensive among various houseplants. If you are thinking why are hoya plants so expensive, there are a couple of reasons to answer this question including their limited availability and slow growth and propagation. Keep reading to discuss them more and give you tips for buying the expensive Hoyas cheaper. Best Answers to Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive In the…
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5 Rare Hoyas: The Best Picks for Rare Hoya’s Collectors

5 Rare Hoyas: The Best Picks for Rare Hoya’s Collectors

Are you a gardening enthusiast who searches for Rare hoyas for sale? I find 5 species and varieties of this strikingly beautiful houseplant including Hoya davidcummingii, H. macrophylla, H. retusa, H. carnosa "Compact", and H. carnosa "Nova Ghost" as Rare hoyas. I selected them for the following reasons: 1. Their limited availability: some have hard-to-access natural habitats or propagation is difficult in nurseries. So, you cannot find them in every houseplant collection making them rare hoya species. 2. Some rare Hoyas species have uncommon foliage or flowers making them rare among Hoya collectors. It causes a demand for these Hoya varieties…
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Care and Price of Paphiopedilum rothschildianum (Gold of Kinabalu Orchid or Rothschild’s slipper orchid) | update 2023

Care and Price of Paphiopedilum rothschildianum (Gold of Kinabalu Orchid or Rothschild’s slipper orchid) | update 2023

Are you a fan of rare and expensive plants? Paphiopedilum rothschildianum (Gold of Kinabalu Orchid or Rothschild's slipper orchid) can be best if you care for it correctly. Put your plant in a place with high humidity and bright indirect sunlight. Water it when the top soil dries out and try to fertilize your plants with a ¼ or 1/2 of balanced orchid fertilizer once a month during the growing seasons. keep an eye on pests such as Spider Mites and Mealybugs. Paphiopedilum rothschildianum's price is up to $5,000 per stem (nearly £4,000). Keep reading to give you a comprehensive…
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Heliconia rostrata (Hanging lobster claw or False bird of paradise): Caring and all things you should know

Heliconia rostrata (Hanging lobster claw or False bird of paradise): Caring and all things you should know

If you can provide a sunny place Heliconia rostrata (Hanging Lobster Claw) can be excellent for those who are fans of rare Plants. Please regularly water your Heliconia rostrata (especially in summer and warm days), although you should allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot. A rich and well-drained soil will help you with this issue. Keep reading to tell you everything about Hanging Lobster Claw plant growth and even more. Heliconia rostrata belong to the genera Heliconias. This genus is related to known plants such as bananas, cannas and gingers. There are about 100…
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