Tropical House Plants

3 Indoor Plants Similar to Ferns: Unique for Your Curated Collection

3 Indoor Plants Similar to Ferns: Unique for Your Curated Collection

True ferns belong to Equisetidae (Equisetopsida), Ophioglossidae (Psilotopsida), Marattiidae (Marattiopsida), and Polypodiidae (Polypodiopsida) and almost all indoor ferns are a member of Polypodiidae (Polypodiopsida). However, some plants look like ferns but are not. In the following, I provided several indoor plants similar to ferns. Club moss (Lycopodiaceae), Spike moss (Selaginellales) such as Bird's-foot Fern (Selaginella uncinata), and Asparagus Fern (Asparagus setaceus) are unique house plants similar to ferns. I call them unique because have special features that make them deserve for your curated indoor plant collection. For example, having a Club Moss (Lycopodiaceae) in your collection parallels having a living…
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Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive? Tips For Buying the Expensive Hoyas Cheaper

Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive? Tips For Buying the Expensive Hoyas Cheaper

Hoya plants include over 520 accepted species based on the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families as of April 2020. Some such as Hoya carnosa 'Argentea Princess', Hoya micrantha (splash), Hoya serpens, Hoya coriacea (silver), and Hoya 'Rachel' are so expensive among various houseplants. If you are thinking why are hoya plants so expensive, there are a couple of reasons to answer this question including their limited availability and slow growth and propagation. Keep reading to discuss them more and give you tips for buying the expensive Hoyas cheaper. Best Answers to Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive In the…
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5 Peperomia obtusifolia Varieties for my Outstanding Indoor Décor

5 Peperomia obtusifolia Varieties for my Outstanding Indoor Décor

Hi, keep with me in this post to show you 5 stunning types of peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant) with their images.  I’m a horticultural consultant (My academic major is plant protection), People sometimes ask me about the Peperomia obtusifolia varieties. They want to identify the type of their Baby Rubber Plant or decide which Peperomia obtusifolia varieties for their indoor décor. Every plant has only one scientific name, but it often has several common names and a lot of varieties. It causes people to often get confused. For example: Peperomia obtusifolia is the scientific name of the Baby Rubber…
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