Best Tested Fertilizer for Hoya to Bloom: Getting Hoya to Bloom Easily

Fertilizer for Hoya to Bloom

To encourage blooming in Hoya, you must use fertilizers that the number of phosphorus is higher than Nitrogen, for example, 5-10-5 or 5-10-3 are the right ratios of fertilizer for Hoya to bloom. Hoya plants are popular flowering house plants that produce a cluster of beautiful star-shaped flowers in various hues from white to red.

Another thing that makes this flowering hanging plant ideal for indoors is most Hoya plants are safe for dogs and cats. Keep reading to tell you How to use a fertilizer for the Hoya plants and pro tips you must know.

What Is a 5-10-5 Fertilizer to Get Hoya to Bloom?

You often see three numbers in most Complete fertilizers which respectively indicate the percentage of three nutrients nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK) compared to filler іngrеdіеntѕ.

For example, in the 5-10-5 ratio, the first number implies the nitrogen ratio in a fertilizer. Nitrogen promotes foliage growth and plays a critical role in photosynthesis.

The middle number is the level of Phosphorus in Complete fertilizers. So, in a 5-10-5 fertilizer, the ratio of P is 10 %. Phosphorus is essential for flowering and fruiting in plants and fertilizers with higher levels of Phosphorus encourage blooming in flowering plants such as Hoya.

The third number indicates the level of Potassium in complete fertilizers. A 5-10-5 fertilizer contains 5 %Potassium. This nutrient is important in root development and helps plants resist stress such as drought, pests and diseases.

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When to Use a Fertilizer for Hoya to Bloom?

 Hoya Bloom with white and red hues

I consider that the best time to use a high phosphate fertilizer for getting Hoya to bloom is two months before the plant’s normal blooming time. do you know what is your Hoya’s normal blooming time? It varies in various Hoya species. In the following, I provided the table where you can see the blooming time of the fourteen common and rare Hoya plants.


January February March April May June July August September October November December
H. australis
H. carnosa 
H. diversifolia
H. fitchii
H. kentiana
H. kerrii
H.  obovata
H.  pubicalyx
H.  lacunosa
H. carnosa compacta
H. linearis
H.  multiflora 


I recommend going back to a balance or high-nitrogen fertilizer once flowering starts. Do you know what is the best fertilizer for Hoya for the rest of the year? Keep reading.

What Is the Best Fertilizer for Hoya?

Hoya plant with white and red blooms

After the blooming starts, I recommend switching to a higher nitrogen fertilizer. Do you know why? Your Hoya is a primarily foliage plant and nitrogen plays a critical role in Photosynthesis and prompt foliage growth.

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Hoya Plants don’t like strong fertilizers and I find fertilizers with a 2:1:2 or 3:1:2 can work well to keep the Hoyas in good health with green lush leaves.

Pro Tips for Feeding Hoya Plants:

  • If your Hoya Plant is in a low-light location, it needs half the fertilizer as those in full, indirect light.
  • Stop fertilizing during the cold season and begin fertilizing again in the growth seasons (spring, summer and fall).
  • Fertilize your Hoya after watering. If you fertilize a dry plant, its roots may be damaged.


Fertilizers that have higher phosphorus percentages than Nitrogen can promote blooming. Based on my experience 5-10-5 or 5-10-3 works well with this issue.

However, fertilizing is only one factor you should consider to get your Hoya to bloom. You must consider the age and species of your Hoya plant and provide it with a suitable condition by putting it in a bright indirect place, optimizing its watering, etc.

Please tell me what caring points you have made to get your Hoya to bloom and please share your ideas and experiences with my readers. You can also ask me your question below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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