How to Grow Cat Grass Indoors From Seeds? All Things You Must Know

grow cat grass indoors from seeds

Here you will learn how to grow cat grass indoors from seeds, step-by-step. you will learn how to plant it in both soil and water. In addition, you will find tips about the germination of the seeds and replanting your cat grass. keep reading.

As you know cat grass is a mixture of different grass species, such as oat, wheat, barley, or ryegrass that grow specifically for cats. Do you know why? the cats will be enriched with it but it serves other important purposes such as:

  • Aid to the digestive of cats. I know the cats are obligate carnivores but they sometimes like to eat grass. It will help them to regurgitate indigestible material like fur or bones.
  • Cat grass contains certain vitamins and minerals so it has a lot of nutritional benefits.
  • Finally, cat grass can control hairball formation by helping move hair through their digestive system.

Now you found out the importance of cat grass for cats, keep reading to learn how to grow cat grass indoors from seeds. It will be a simple and enjoyable way to enhance your cat’s well-being.

Grow cat grass indoors from seeds: step-by-step

the best practice to Grow cat grass indoors from seeds: step-by-step

In this part, I provide you with an easy but comprehensive guideline to cultivate cat grass indoors from seeds. So, follow these steps:

What materials do You Need to Grow cat grass indoors from seeds?

In the following, you can find a list of things that you must prepare before starting to grow cat grass indoors from seeds:

  • Shallow container or pot with drainage holes
  • Potting soil or soilless mix
  • Cat grass seeds (oat, wheat, barley, or ryegrass)
  • Watering can or spray bottle
  • Water
  • Well-lit indoor location (not in direct sunlight)

My recommended guideline:

Below, I will show you how to grow cat grass indoors from seeds from choose a suitable container to offer it to your cat. Let’s get going.

The Best Container: I recommend you choose a shallow container or pot with drainage holes at the bottom. About the size of the container, it will depend on how much cat grass you want to grow.

Potting Mix soil: use good drainage soil it is critical to prevent root rot in pots without drainage holes. Also, spread the soil evenly into a container (not too compacted).

Now, let to speak about the cat grass seeds.

What seeds for cat grass?

The seeds commonly used for cat grass are oats, wheat, barley, or rye grass seeds. These varieties are safe for cats to consume and grow easily.

How do you germinate cat seeds?

To germinate cat grass seeds, follow the below steps:

  1. Place the seeds on a damp paper towel.
  2. Fold the paper towel over the seeds to cover them.
  3. Put the paper towel with seeds in a plastic bag.
  4. Seal the bag and keep it in a warm, dark place for 2-3 days.
  5. Check the seeds daily; they should start sprouting.
  6. Once they sprout, you can transfer them to soil for further growth.
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How long to soak cat grass seeds?

Soaking cat grass seeds is not usually necessary, but if you choose to do so, you can soak them in water for about 12-24 hours before planting. This may help speed up the germination process to grow cat grass indoors from seeds.

Sow the Germinated Cat Grass Seeds: Sprinkle the cat grass seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. You don’t need to bury them deeply; a light covering of soil is sufficient.

Lightly Water the Seeds: The method of watering in pots without holes is critical. Use a watering can or a spray bottle to moisten the soil gently. Ensure that the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid flooding the container.

Put the pots in the right place: Place the container in a well-lit indoor area. Cat grass requires ample light to grow, but avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the young plants.

Maintain Moisture: Keep the soil consistently moist by watering it when the top layer begins to dry out. Use a gentle spray to prevent disturbing the seeds.

How long does it take time to sprout? Cat grass typically takes about 1-2 weeks to sprout. During this time, maintain the moisture levels and ensure it receives adequate light.

Monitor Growth: As the cat grass grows, it will develop lush green blades. Continue to water as needed, ensuring the soil remains moist but not soggy. keep an eye on the symptoms of aphid infestation.

Trim and Harvest to Offer it to Your Cat: Once the cat grass reaches a suitable height (usually 4-6 inches), you can begin harvesting it for your cat. Use scissors or clean shears to trim the grass, leaving about an inch above the soil to encourage regrowth.

How long is cat grass Maintained and  how to Replanted:

Cat grass has a finite lifespan, and it will eventually wither. To ensure a continuous supply, consider replanting new seeds in a separate container while your cat enjoys the current batch.

Can You Get Seeds From Cat Grass?

Can You Get Seeds From Cat Grass?

Yes, you can obtain seeds from growing cat grass indoors from seeds. As the cat grass grows, it will produce seeds. You can collect these seeds once they mature and use them to grow more cat grass in the future. In the following, I will show you how to do it. First, the materials you’ll need:

  • Mature cat grass plant
  • A paper bag or envelope
  • Scissors or pruning shears
  • A clean, dry surface
  • Step-by-Step Guide:
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As you saw in the above list, the first thing that you need is a mature cat grass plant. This typically occurs several weeks after the grass has sprouted and grown to a reasonable height. After that, you must follow the following way:

  1. Inspect the Grass: Carefully examine the cat grass plant. Look for the seed heads, which are the parts of the plant where seeds are formed. These seed heads resemble small, slender spikes or tassels emerging from the grass blades.
  2. Prepare Collection Materials: Get a paper bag or envelope ready for collecting the seeds. You’ll use this to catch and store the seeds as they are released from the plant.
  3. Trim the Seed Heads: Using scissors or pruning shears, gently cut the seed heads from the cat grass plant. Be sure to do this over the paper bag or envelope so that any seeds that fall are captured.
  4. Shake and Gather Seeds: Hold the trimmed seed heads over the paper bag or envelope and gently shake them. This will help release the seeds from the seed heads, and they will fall into your collection container.
  5. Inspect and Store Seeds: After you’ve collected the seeds, examine them to ensure they are dry and mature. Discard any seeds that appear damaged or immature.
  6. Transfer the collected seeds to a clean, dry container, such as a small envelope or airtight jar, for storage. Label the container with the type of seeds and the date of collection.
  7. Store Seeds Properly: To maintain seed viability, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. This will help preserve the seeds for future planting.

How to Grow Cat Grass Indoors From Seeds in Water?

How to Grow Cat Grass Indoors From Seeds in Water?

If you prefer to grow cat grass indoors from seeds without soil, growing it in water will be the best practice. To do it, you can use a shallow container filled with water instead of soil. below, I provide you with a guideline to grow cat grass indoors from seeds in water. first, let to make the table:

  • Cat grass seeds (oat, wheat, barley, or ryegrass). if you have rabbits too, Oat is also one of the best indoor grasses for rabbits.
  • A shallow container with no drainage holes (a tray or saucer works well)
  • Clean pebbles or small stones
  • Water
  • Well-lit indoor location (not in direct sunlight)
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Now, it turns to plant the seed in water, how? keep reading!

  1. A Suitable Container: Choose a shallow container with no drainage holes. A tray or saucer works perfectly for this method.
  2. Prepare the Cat Grass Seeds: Measure out the cat grass seeds you’d like to plant. You don’t need a thick layer; a single layer of seeds will suffice.
  3. Lay a Bed of Pebbles or Stones: Place a layer of clean pebbles or small stones in the bottom of the container. This will provide support for the seeds and allow for proper drainage.
  4. Spread the Cat Grass Seeds: Scatter the cat grass seeds evenly on top of the pebbles. The stones will help keep the seeds in place.
  5. Add Water to the Container: Pour water into the container until it covers the seeds and stones. Ensure the seeds are submerged but not overly soaked.
  6. Maintain the Water Level: Keep an eye on the water level in the container. Add more water as needed to maintain a consistent level, making sure the seeds are always in contact with water.
  7. Choose a Well-Lit Location: Place the container in a well-lit indoor area. Cat grass requires sufficient light to grow but avoid direct sunlight, as it can overheat the water.
  8. Please note that Cat grass grown in water may not have as long a lifespan as soil-grown grass. To ensure a continuous supply, consider refreshing the container with new seeds and stones as needed.

How long does cat grass last?

As mentioned above, various factors play a role in the lifespan of cat grass. These factors are care, environmental conditions, and the type of grass you’re growing. But cat grass can last for several weeks to a few typically months before it may need replanting.

As a golden tip: Regularly trimming and pruning can also help extend its lifespan.


Now, you know how to grow cat grass indoors from seeds. I provided you with all the things you must know about growing cat grass indoors from seed germination tips to replanting your cat grass. you also learned how to plant it in both soil and water step-by-step. Don’t waste your time and start your gardening by planting cat grass indoors in soil or water.


Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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