How to Harvest Cat Grass Seeds? Surprise Your Cat

Harvest cat grass seeds

If your feline friend loves to eat grasses, join this article to show you how to harvest cat grass seeds to steady the supply of fresh greens for your cat.

Do you know why cats eat grasses? They eat grass to enhance their digestive system and It also has a lot of other benefits. if you want to know more, I listed the benefits of cat grass in my previous article about growing cat grass indoors from seed.

In this article, I want to teach you how to harvest cat grass seeds. Before dealing with it, let to discuss more about the seeds of cat grass and find out what is cat grass plant is and how to select the best cat grass for indoor cats. Let’s start.

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What kind of grass is cat grass?

kinds of seeds of cat grass

Cat grass is not a specific grass, indeed there are several plant species that we know as cat grass. You can grow them indoors for your feline friend. So, each type has its own characteristics and benefits and you must know them before starting to harvest cat grass seeds for your feline friend.

The best cat grass for indoor cats

As mentioned above various cat grass has different tastes and characteristics. So, you must consider your cat’s preferences. Some cats may have specific tastes, but how you can find them?  You must experiment with different varieties to see which one your cat likes best.

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In the following, I first provide you with some common types of cat grass and their characteristics. After that, I will teach you how to harvest cat grass seeds. It will help you make sure to provide fresh and healthy cat grass to promote your cat’s well-being and provide a source of entertainment and digestion support. Keep reading!

1- Wheatgrass:

Scientific name: Triticum aestivum

Wheatgrass is at the top of our list due to it is one of the most popular choices for cat grass. It has slender, bright green blades that are easy for cats to chew on.


  • Wheatgrass is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • It’s easy to grow
  • It is known to aid in digestion for cats.
  • Many cats enjoy nibbling on wheatgrass.

2-Oat Grass

Scientific name: Avena sativa

Characteristics: Oat grass id one of the best cat grasses for indoor cats. It has broader leaves compared to wheatgrass and has a pleasant, mild taste. it is also one of the best indoor grasses for rabbits.


  • Oat grass is another nutritious option for cat grass.
  • It’s rich in nutrients like vitamins A and B
  • It’s easy to grow.
  • Cats often find oat grass appealing.

3- Barley Grass

Scientific name: Hordeum vulgare

Characteristics: Barley grass is similar in appearance to wheatgrass, with slender green blades.


  • Barley grass contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants.
  • It can help with digestion
  • It is a nutritious choice for cat grass.

4- Rye Grass

Scientific name: Lolium perenne

Characteristics: Rye grass has fine, slender blades and is known for its rapid growth.


  • Ryegrass can be a quick source of cat grass if you need it in a pinch.
  • It’s easy to grow and can provide a fresh snack for your cat.

5- Catnip

Scientific name: Nepeta cataria

Characteristics: Catnip is a herbaceous plant with:

  • aromatic leaves
  • white or lavender flowers

Unlike the grasses mentioned above, catnip is not grass but is often included in cat grass mixtures.


  • Catnip is famous for its stimulating effects on cats.
  • Many cats are attracted to catnip
  • It can provide entertainment and mental stimulation for your cat.

6- Meadow Foxtail

Scientific name: Alopecurus pratensis

Characteristics: Meadow foxtail has soft, fine leaves that are appealing to cats.


  • This grass is not as common as wheat or oat grass
  • Some cats enjoy its texture and taste.
  • It can be a good alternative to other cat grass varieties.

How to Harvest Cat Grass Seeds?

the best practice to Harvest Cat Grass Seeds.

After you find the best kind of cat grass for your feline friend, it is turns to teach you how to harvest cat grass seeds. If you want to know why you must do it, I will tell you:

  • It is a relatively simple process.
  • It is an economic way.
  • It can be a fun
  • It helps you to ensure a steady supply of fresh cat grass for your feline friend.
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So, lets to find a step-by-step guide along with some pro tips:

First step to harvest cat grass seeds:  Grow the best grass

Before you can harvest cat grass seeds, you need to grow cat grass. Here’s how to do it however I discussed it in detail before in “How to grow cat grass indoors from seeds” and “How to take care of cat grass indoors“.

Choose a cat grass variety:

  • The most common seeds are belonged to wheatgrass, oat grass, and barley grass.
  • You can find cat grass seeds at garden centers or online.

Plant the seeds:

  • Fill a shallow container with well-drained potting soil. it is more important when you use a pot without holes.
  • Scatter the cat grass seeds evenly over the soil surface.
  • Press the seeds down gently so they make good soil contact.

Water and cover:

  • After planting the seeds, you must moisten the soil
  • Then cover the container with plastic wrap or a clear plastic lid.
  • This creates a mini greenhouse environment with high humidity that helps with germination.

Provide light:

  • Cat grass requires sunlight to grow well but you should avoid direct sunlight.
  • Place the container in a well-lit area, preferably in indirect sunlight.

Maintain moisture:

  • You must keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Check the moisture level regularly and water as needed.
  • You must get a good strategy for watering to prevent the root rot.

Cat grass usually takes about 7-14 days to grow to a suitable height for your cat to enjoy.

Second step to harvest cat grass seeds:  Let your cat grass seed!

To harvest cat grass seeds, you’ll need to allow the grass to mature and produce seeds. Here’s what to do:

Let your cat grass grow to mature:

Allow the cat grass to continue growing until it reaches a height of 6-8 inches or until it starts producing seed heads.

Say hello to seed heads:

Cat grass will produce seed heads that look like tiny spikes or awns on the top of the grass blades. These are the seeds you want to harvest.

See also  How to Grow Cat Grass Indoors From Seeds? All Things You Must Know

Final step to harvest cat grass seeds:  Harvesting the Seeds

Now that your cat grass has produced seed heads, it’s time to harvest the seeds:

  • Use scissors or pruning shears to snip off the seed heads.
  • Cut them close to the top of the grass blades.
  • Collect the seed heads in a small container or envelope.
  • Be gentle to avoid losing any seeds.

Pro Tips to Harvest Cat Grass Seeds

Pro Tips to Harvest Cat Grass Seeds

In the final step of our journey, I want to tell you 5 golden tips for harvesting cat grass seeds. Let to find them.

What is the best time to harvest cat grass seeds?  

Timing is key:

  • You must harvest the seeds when they are dry and brown.
  • If you wait too long, the seeds might scatter or fall off before you can collect them.

What is the best way to Store seeds properly?

  • Put the collected seed heads in an airtight container
  • You can also envelope them to keep them dry and prevent moisture or pests from damaging them.
  • Store in a cool, dark place.

Label your seeds

  • Be sure to label the container or envelope with the date and type of cat grass seeds.
  • This will help you keep track of freshness and variety.

Regrow for a continuous supply

  • After harvesting the seeds, you can replant them to continue growing cat grass for your cat.
  • you may want to experiment with different varieties to see which one your cat likes best.


I tried to provide you with steps and pro tips to harvest cat grass seeds. My guidelines will help you to successfully harvest and store cat grass seeds and have a steady supply of seeds for your feline friend.

In addition, I showed you the various types of cat grass with their characteristics and benefits. It helped you to find the best grass for your cat.

If you have any problem, please ask me below this page. you can also share your experience and idea with our readers.


Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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