8 Homemade Liquid Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo: How to Make and Use

Homemade Liquid Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo

Join me in this article to show you all the things you need to know to make a homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo. Here, I will help you to have a greener house with healthy and lush lucky bamboo along with saving money.

There are several indoor bamboo plant types and lucky bamboo is the most popular. Houseplant bamboo care is easy. In my previous, article I told you how to fertilize this good-luck houseplant and showed you the best fertilizers for lucky bamboo. Here, I want to tell you about homemade liquid fertilizers. Keep reading.

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2 List of the Homemade Liquid Fertilizers for Lucky Bamboo

General Rules of Using a Homemade Liquid Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo

General Rules of Using a Homemade Fertilizer

There are several points that you must consider for using homemade fertilizers. I think you should know them first.

  • Be cautious about fertilizers that contain alcohol, vinegar, or citrus oils. Avoid using them because they can damage the Lucky bamboo.
  • Test any new fertilizer (natural or chemical) on a small pot of the plant first to avoid overfertilizing and causing harm to your indoor plant collection.
  • Don’t forget to dilute any homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo before using it on your lucky bamboo. As I told you before, overfertilizing can damage the plant, so it’s best to use these fertilizers sparingly.
  • Always use your homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo in moderation and in combination with proper watering. Consider the best ways to water your lucky bamboo, I discussed it in my previous article.
  • Always follow proper storage and labelling practices to ensure the longevity and safety of your homemade fertilizers. Discard any fertilizer that appears mouldy, smells bad, or shows signs of contamination. I will discuss it in detail in the following.
  • Keep an eye on your lucky bamboo plant for signs of stress or nutrient imbalances and adjust your fertilizer regime accordingly. If in doubt, seek advice from a gardening expert or horticulturist.
  • Please note that the amount of homemade fertilizer to add to lucky bamboo will depend on several factors including the specific type of fertilizer being used, the size of the plant, and the growing conditions.

List of the Homemade Liquid Fertilizers for Lucky Bamboo

Here you will find a list of the 8 homemade liquid fertilizers for lucky bamboo with their recipes, pro tips for using them, and their benefits for lucky bamboo. Let’s find out about them.

Compost tea:

Compost tea homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

Compost tea is a liquid fertilizer made by steeping compost or composted materials in water. It is often used as a natural, organic fertilizer to provide nutrients and beneficial microbes to plants.

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To make compost tea as a homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  1. Fill a bucket with compost and add water until the compost is covered.
  2. Let it sit for a few days until it becomes a brown liquid.
  3. Strain the liquid and dilute it with water until it’s the colour of weak tea.
  4. Use this as a liquid fertilizer for your lucky bamboo.

Pro tips to use Compost tea fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Dilute the compost tea with water in a 1:10 ratio before using it to fertilize your lucky bamboo.
  • Be sure to aerate the mixture well to encourage the growth of beneficial microbes and improve nutrient availability.
  • Store compost tea in a covered container or bucket at room temperature.
  • Use the tea within 1-2 weeks of brewing to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria.

 😀 Can be used for lucky bamboo in water: Add a small amount of compost tea to the water you use to fill the container or add it directly to the water once a month.

Benefits Using Compost tea homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Compost tea contains a variety of nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements that are released from the decomposed organic matter.
  • The benefits of Compost tea as a homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo are it provides a balanced mix of nutrients for lucky bamboo, promoting healthy growth, strong roots, and overall plant vitality.

Cautions of using Compost tea homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Be sure to properly compost your organic matter before brewing compost tea to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Avoid using compost tea that has a foul odour or appears slimy as it may indicate contamination.

Epsom salt solution:

Epsom salt solution homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt in 1 gallon of water.
  • This homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo provides magnesium and sulfur which are essential nutrients for plants.
  • Use this solution to feed your lucky bamboo every month.

Pro tips to use Epsom salt solution fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Apply the solution to your lucky bamboo once every month with a watering can or spray bottle.
  • Mix only as much Epsom salt solution as you need for immediate use.
  • Store any leftover solution in a labelled, covered container to prevent contamination.

 😀 Can be used for lucky bamboo in water: Dissolve a small amount of Epsom salts in the water you use to fill the container or add it to the water once every three to four months.

Benefits Using Epsom salt solution homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Epsom salt is the common name for magnesium sulfate. It provides magnesium and sulfur.
  • Benefits: Magnesium aids in chlorophyll production and promotes vibrant green foliage in lucky bamboo. Sulfur is essential for protein synthesis and enzyme activation, supporting overall plant development.

Cautions of using Epsom salt solution homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Do not overapply Epsom salt as it can cause root burn and damage the plant.
  • Only use Epsom salt solution on lucky bamboo plants that exhibit magnesium deficiency symptoms.

Banana peel water:

Banana peel water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Take a few banana peels
  • Soak them in water for a few days (at least 24 hours to allow the nutrients to leach out).
  • Strain the water and use it to fertilize your lucky bamboo.
  • This homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo is rich in potassium, which is important for healthy plant growth.

Pro tips to use Banana peel water fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Use the solution to water your lucky bamboo once every two weeks or once a month.
  • Store the banana peel water in a labelled container in the refrigerator or a cool, dark place.
  • Use the solution within a week to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Benefits Using Banana peel water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Banana peel water mainly provides potassium, along with some phosphorus and trace minerals.
  • Benefits: Potassium is important for plant growth and the development of strong stems and roots. It also helps regulate water uptake and improves disease resistance in lucky bamboo.

Cautions of using Banana peel water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Avoid using banana peel water that has an unpleasant smell or appears mouldy as it may indicate contamination.
  • Do not overapply banana peel water as it can cause nutrient imbalances in the soil.

 🙁 Cannot be used for lucky bamboo in water: This fertilizer needs soil to work properly, so it cannot be used for lucky bamboo growing in water. When banana peels decompose in the soil, they release nutrients slowly over time. The soil microbes break down the organic matter and convert it into plant-available nutrients. Without the soil environment and microbial activity, banana peel water may not provide the same slow-release nutrient benefits.

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Fish tank water:

Fish tank water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

If you have a fish tank, use the nutrient-rich water to fertilize your lucky bamboo. The fish waste as a homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo provides nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient for plants.

Pro tips to use Fish tank water fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Only use fish tank water that has been allowed to sit for a few days to allow the ammonia to convert to nitrate.
  • Dilute the fish tank water with distilled or filtered water in a 1:5 ratio before using it to fertilize your lucky bamboo.
  • Only use fish tank water that has been allowed to sit for a few days to convert ammonia to nitrate.
  • Store any unused fish tank water in a labelled, covered container to prevent contamination.

Benefits Using Fish tank water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Fish tank water contains nitrogen compounds, primarily in the form of ammonia and nitrates, along with trace minerals.
  • Benefits: Nitrogen is a vital nutrient needed for leaf and stem growth in plants. Using fish tank water as fertilizer can provide a slow-release nitrogen source for lucky bamboo, supporting healthy foliage.

Cautions of using Fish tank water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Do not use fish tank water that contains high levels of ammonia or nitrite as it can harm the plant.
  • Be sure to dilute fish tank water with distilled or filtered water before using it to prevent overfertilization.

 🙁 Cannot be used for lucky bamboo in water: Adding fish tank water to lucky bamboo growing in water can negatively affect the plant. It’s better to avoid this fertilizer altogether.

Molasses Solution:

Molasses homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Add 1 tablespoon of molasses to 1 gallon of distilled or filtered water.
  • Use it to fertilize your lucky bamboo every month.
  • Molasses as a homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo is a great source of sugar which helps to feed beneficial microbes in the soil and promotes healthy plant growth.

Pro tips to use Molasses fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Store molasses in a labelled, airtight container in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
  • Use it within six months of opening for best results.

Benefits Using Molasses homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Molasses is a source of carbohydrates, mainly sugars.
  • Benefits: Molasses feed beneficial microbes in the soil, promoting their growth and activity. This improves nutrient availability for lucky bamboo, resulting in enhanced root development, nutrient uptake, and overall plant health.

Cautions of using Molasses homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Do not overapply molasses as it can cause nutrient imbalances and attract pests.
  • Only use molasses on mature plants that can handle a higher nutrient load.

 🙁 Cannot be used for lucky bamboo in water: This fertilizer needs soil to work properly, so it cannot be used for lucky bamboo growing in water. Molasses is often used in composting or in soil to stimulate microbial activity. Soil microbes break down the molasses, aiding in nutrient release and improving soil fertility. In a water-only environment, molasses may not be as effective without the presence of soil microorganisms.

Green tea solution:

Green tea solution homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Brew a cup of green tea.
  • Dilute it with water until it’s the colour of weak tea.
  • Use this as a liquid fertilizer for your lucky bamboo.
  • Green tea as a homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that promote plant health.

Pro tips to use Green tea solution fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Dilute the green tea solution with water in a 1:10 ratio.
  • Use a spray bottle to mist the leaves of your lucky bamboo with the solution once a week.
  • Brew green tea fresh every time you need it for the best results.
  • Store any unused green tea in a labelled, covered container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

 😀 Can be used for lucky bamboo in water: Brew green tea and add it to the water you use to fill the container or add it directly to the water once every two weeks.

Benefits Using Green tea solution homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Green tea contains antioxidants, amino acids, and trace minerals.
  • Benefits: The antioxidants and nutrients in green tea can promote healthy cell growth, improve stress tolerance, and enhance the plant’s immune system response. It can also serve as a mild fungicide.
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Cautions of using Green tea solution homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Avoid using green tea solution that has gone bad or appears cloudy as it may indicate contamination.
  • Do not overapply green tea solution as it can cause nutrient imbalances in the soil.

Eggshell water:

Eggshell water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Rinse out eggshells and then boil them in water for 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and use it as a fertilizer for your lucky bamboo.
  • Eggshells as homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo are rich in calcium, which is an important nutrient for plants.

Pro tips to use Eggshell water fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Crush the eggshells into small pieces before boiling them in water.
  • Allow the water to cool, then strain the mixture and use it to water your lucky bamboo once every two weeks.
  • Store eggshell water in a labelled container in the refrigerator or a cool, dark place.
  • Use the solution within a week to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Benefits Using Eggshell water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Eggshells are primarily composed of calcium carbonate.
  • Benefits: Calcium is crucial for cell structure and growth in plants. Using eggshell water as a fertilizer can help prevent calcium deficiency-related issues, such as leaf yellowing or tip burn in lucky bamboo.

Cautions of using Eggshell water homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Be sure to boil eggshells before using them to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Avoid using eggshell water that appears cloudy or smells bad as it may indicate contamination.

 🙁 Cannot be used for lucky bamboo in water: This fertilizer needs soil to work properly, so it cannot be used for lucky bamboo growing in water. Eggshells contain calcium carbonate, which slowly dissolves in the soil over time, providing a source of calcium for plants. Without soil, the eggshell water may not release calcium effectively, and the benefits may be limited.

Vegetable scraps:

Vegetable scraps homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Collect vegetable scraps such as carrot tops, onion peels, and celery leaves.
  • Boil them in water for 30 minutes and then strain the liquid.
  • Use this as a homemade liquid fertilizer for luck.
  • Vegetable scraps are rich in nutrients that promote healthy plant growth.

Pro tips to use Vegetable scraps fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Allow the mixture to cool, then strain and use it to water your lucky bamboo once every two weeks.
  • Store vegetable scrap fertilizer in the refrigerator in a labelled, covered container.
  • Use the solution within a week to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Benefits Using Vegetable scraps homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Vegetable scraps contribute various nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and trace elements depending on the types of vegetables used.
  • Benefits: The nutrients present in vegetable scrap fertilizer support overall growth, flowering, and fruiting. They also enrich the soil and improve its organic content.

Cautions of using Vegetable scraps homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo

  • Only use vegetable scrap fertilizer on healthy plants that can handle higher nutrient loads.
  • Avoid using vegetable scrap fertilizer that has an unpleasant odour or appears slimy as it may indicate contamination.

 🙁 Cannot be used for lucky bamboo in water: This fertilizer needs soil to work properly, so it cannot be used for lucky bamboo growing in water. Vegetable scraps are typically used for composting, where they decompose and enrich the soil with organic matter and nutrients. In a water-only environment, the vegetable scraps may not break down properly, and their nutrient content may not become readily available for the lucky bamboo.


Now you have a comprehensive guideline for making a homemade liquid fertilizer for lucky bamboo. I provided you with 8 of the best with all the things that you must know including tips to use them and points that you must consider about your homemade liquid fertilizer.

Have you ever used a homemade fertilizer for your houseplants? why do you prefer them to chemical fertilizers? Please share your experiences and ideas with us below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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