How to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant? 6 Golden Tips

How to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant?

Do you have a baby bamboo plant and are concerned about its healthy growth? Join this post to show you how to care for small indoor bamboo plant with pro tips.

there are different types of indoor bamboo plants and most of them are easy-caring plants. they can grow about 12 inches per year in indoor conditions. One of the wonderful things about them is you can easily propagate them and have several small indoor bamboo plants.

the small bamboo plants are perfect for putting on tables and shelves and you have enough time to enjoy these small beautiful lucky friends. In my previous article, I told you about houseplant bamboo care, here, I want to discuss caring for a small bamboo plant.

However, it is relatively straightforward, but it’s important to provide the right conditions to ensure its healthy growth. Here are some tips on how to care for your small bamboo plant, let’s find them.

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Light Requirements to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant

Light Requirements to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant

Light plays a critical role in the healthy growth of your small bamboo. Your small Bamboo plant loves bright, indirect sunlight. Please avoid putting its pot in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. In the following, you can find places in your house that have bright, indirect sunlight.

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If you have a North-facing window in your house:

As you can see in the below picture, you have indirect light without any direct sunlight if you put your small indoor bamboo very close to the window.

Small indoor bamboo light reqiurements: North-facing window in your house

If you have an East-facing window in your house:

You will have direct morning sun for a few hours and indirect light for the rest of the day, so, as you can see in the below picture, you must place the pot of your small indoor bamboo within a few feet of your East-facing window.

small indoor bamboo plant light requirements and East-facing window in your house

If you have a west-facing window in your house:

The light pattern of your house is Indirect light for most of the day, however, you will have direct light for a few hours in late afternoon or early evening. So, to provide bright indirect sunlight for your small indoor bamboo, you should place its pot within a few feet of your West-facing window (as you can see in the picture).

You must consider that the afternoon sun is always stronger than the morning sun so avoid putting your plant in places with afternoon sunlight.

small indoor bamboo plant near the west-facing window in your house
west-facing window in your house and bamboo plant location

If you have a South-facing window in your house:

You have direct sunlight during the day, so you must put the pot of your small indoor bamboo a few feet back from the window (as you can see in the below image). if you think you cannot set it with your indoor décor and want to put your small bamboo close to the Southern window, the only way is to hang a sheer to filter the direct sun.

South-facing window and small indoor bamboo location in your house

 How to Water to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant?

Another factor that has a critical impact on the care for small indoor bamboo is watering practice. You must provide consistently moist soil but not waterlogged. How to do it? the best way is watering when the topsoil dries. You can find out by touching the soil. please read my previous article about watering bamboo plants in soil to find out more tips on this issue.

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If you a fan of growing bamboo plants in water-based environments, there are several tips that you must consider to prevent root rot in a pot without holes. I told you golden points in my previous article about watering lucky bamboo in rocks, please read it.

Humidity to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant

To care for small indoor bamboo plant, you must know they prefer higher humidity levels. You can provide this condition by:

  • Misting the plant with water
  • Placing a tray of water and pebbles near the plant

In this situation, you create a humid microenvironment near your small indoor bamboo plant. you can find more ways to increase humidity for houseplants bamboo in my previous article.

Best Temperature to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant

Best Temperature to Care for Small Indoor Bamboo Plant

You must maintain a temperature range of 65-80°F (18-27°C) for your small indoor bamboo plant. As I told you in pervious article, bamboo plants are sensitive to cold drafts, so you must avoid placing them near doors or windows during the winter months.

Another tip to care for small indoor bamboo plant is to avoid conditions with temperature fluctuations. So, you don’t place it near heating or cooling vents. Read “Lucky Bamboo Temperature Range” to find more ideas and tips.

How to Fertilize Small Indoor Bamboo Plant

The best fertilizer for bamboo plants is a balanced, liquid houseplant fertilizer (10-10-10 or 20-20-20). You must know that your small indoor bamboo is sensitive to over-fertilization, hence you must fertilize it every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) and reduce or stop feeding in the fall and winter when the plant’s growth slows down.

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Fertilizing bamboo in soil is different from water. I told you “How to fertilise bamboo plants in soil”, in addition, provided you with Pro tips for fertilizing bamboo plant in water.

Control Pests and Disease on Small Indoor Bamboo Plant

Bamboo plants are relatively resistant to pests and diseases, but you should still keep an eye out for common houseplant problems like spider mites and aphids. Treat any infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.


Here, I tried to show you how to care for indoor small bamboo plant. I discussed its light requirements and told you how to water and fertilize your houseplant bamboo. you learned various ways to provide humidity and the best temperature range for your small indoor bamboo plant.

Do you know other tips about caring for bamboo plants that I didn’t mention above? If you have any problems with caring for your indoor bamboo plant please ask me below this page, and I will answer as soon as possible.


Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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