How to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo in Water? 7 Golden Tips That You Must Know

How to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo in Water

Join me in this article to show you how to fertilize lucky bamboo in water with comprehensive guidelines and pro tips from selecting the best fertilizer to treatment over-fertilization. keep reading.

Among the various indoor bamboo types, lucky bamboo is the most popular. No matter whether you choose it for its appealing appearance or Feng Shui practices, you are here to have a green, vitality plant.

Although lucky bamboo is a low-maintenance houseplant, its fertilizing in water is important to ensure its healthy growth. Fertilizing indoor bamboo plant in soil vary from in water environments. Here I will tell you how to fertilize lucky bamboo in water. let’s start our journey.

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Pro Tips about How to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo in Water.

Choose the right plant food for bamboo in water

1- Choose the right plant food for bamboo in water

As I told you in my previous article about the best fertilizer for lucky bamboo, you must Look for a balanced liquid fertilizer.  You can use both chemical or natural fertilizers for lucky bamboo in water and hydroponics plantings. Choosing the correct fertilizer is one of the important factors in how to fertilize lucky bamboo in water.

Please note that they must be designed for indoor plants. Do you know why? Fertilizers meant for outdoor plants may be too strong for lucky bamboo. Lucky bamboo doesn’t need too strong fertilizers and they may harm the roots.

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Homemade fertilizers for the bamboo plant are also good but you must know not all homemade fertilizers are good for lucky bamboo in water. When you grow bamboo in water-based environments, fertilizing it is different from soil conditions and fertilizers for lucky bamboo in soil.

2- Dilute the fertilizer for lucky bamboo in water

If you use a chemical fertilizer, you must follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging to determine the appropriate dilution ratio. As I told you about bamboo houseplant care, lucky bamboo doesn’t like to feed it strongly. So, generally, I recommend diluting the fertilizer to half or quarter strength.

If you use your homemade fertilizer for your lucky bamboo, several factors have an impact on its concentration and diluting ratio. So, you must monitor your plant’s reaction.

3- Fertilize lucky bamboo in water sparingly

Lucky bamboo is relatively low-maintenance and doesn’t require frequent fertilization. I usually recommend applying your diluted fertilizer (or adjusted homemade fertilizer) once every two to four weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

how to fertilize lucky bamboo in water? Please note that in the cold months of fall and winter, the plant’s growth slows down. Hence it needs a few nutrients and if you fertilize it similarly to the growing seasons, you will increase the risk of over-fertilization. so, you must reduce or stop fertilization during cold seasons.

4- Apply your Lucky Bamboo fertilizer correctly

Apply your Lucky Bamboo fertilizer correctly

So far, you found out about the best plant food for bamboo in water, its proper concentration, and when to use it. Now I want to tell you How to fertilize lucky bamboo in water indoors.

The best way to fertilize lucky bamboo in water is to pour the diluted fertilizer into the water in the container holding the lucky bamboo. Never spray it on leaves. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as I told you above, the excess nutrients can harm the plant.

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If you notice any yellowing or browning of leaves, it may indicate over-fertilization. Do you know what you must do in this situation?

The first step is to immediately drain the old water and refill the container with fresh, clean water. After that, you must reduce or stop fertilization and monitor the plant. Please prune damaged leaves to redirect the lucky bamboo plant’s energy towards healthy growth and prevent further damage. You also should adjust the growing conditions, especially light requirements due to it having a close relation with fertilizing.

5- Monitor the Water Quality After Fertilizing Your Lucky Bamboo in Water

How to fertilize lucky bamboo in water? When you add fertilizer to water, over time, the water in your lucky bamboo container may become stagnant and accumulate mineral salts and impurities. If you use your homemade fertilizer, it may cause the growth of unpleasant bacteria and fungi in water.

So, I always recommend changing the water regularly, ideally every two to four weeks, to maintain good water quality for the plant. It’s important to choose a container that lets you do it easily. Some cachepots are beautiful but very large, tall, or heavy, and it’s hard for to you change the water easily. Read the best pot for lucky bamboo to gain an idea.

6- Maintain proper lighting for your Lucky Bamboo

Maintain proper lighting for your Lucky Bamboo

As I told you about the light requirements of Lucky bamboo, this plant prefers bright, indirect light. It is critical to ensure that your indoor bamboo plant receives adequate light but you must avoid putting it in direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

If you are thinking about the relation of light with fertilization, please note that the proper lighting helps the plant utilize the nutrients from the fertilizer effectively. For example, if you put it in a dim place, it will grow very slowly and so, will increase the risk of over-fertilization.

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7- Always observe the plant’s response to fertilization

The lucky bamboo due to its genetic content, various caring conditions, different seasons, etc., may respond differently to a specific fertilizer. So, you must pay attention to the overall health and appearance of the lucky bamboo.

If you spot the signs of nutrient deficiency (such as pale or yellowing leaves) you must select the best fertilizer for your lucky bamboo. Most chemical fertilizers are balanced but if you use your homemade fertilizers, you must know about their nutrient content and choose it correctly.

If you notice signs of over-fertilisation (such as brown tips), change the water and adjust the fertilization frequency or dilution accordingly.


Here, I tried to provide you with Pro tips about how to fertilize lucky bamboo in water. As you know lucky bamboo is a hardy plant. Do you agree? So, it can tolerate slight variations in fertilization. Hence let me advise you again “Under-fertilize is better than over-fertilize” for lucky bamboo. In most cases, the lucky bamboo suffers from over-fertilization. Regular monitoring and adjustments will help you with this issue.

Do you know other tips about fertilizing lucky bamboo in water? please share your ideas and experiences below this page. let me know if you have any problems with your Lucky Bamboo.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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