Is Black Mondo Grass Poisonous to Dogs? The Best Answer

Is Black Mondo Grass Poisonous to Dogs?

If you are interested in adding the beauty of black mondo grass to your living space but are considering its toxicity for dogs, here I will answer “Is black mondo grass poisonous to dogs?” with all things you should know.

Black mondo grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’) is a popular indoor and outdoor with black to dark purple foliage and clusters of tiny white to pink flowers that make an eye-catching contrast with its dark leaves.

The eye-catching appearance of black mondo grass raises the aesthetic appeal of your indoor or outdoor garden. Hence most people engage to add it to their living space.

In my previous article, I discussed the best way to grow black mondo grass and how you can keep its dark foliage while giving its light requirements and showed you how to encourage black mondo grass flowering. Here, I want to discuss another aspect of black mondo grass: Is Black mondo grass safe for dogs?

Doges are the close friends of humans and before adding any plant to your indoor collection or your outdoor garden, you have to consider its toxicity for dogs, other pets, and even kids. In this article, I will consider:

  • I will first answer “Is black mondo grass poisonous to dogs” in detail and will tell you about the symptoms.
  • Then I will tell you if your dog gets poisonous with black mondo grass and what to do to help it.
  • Finally, I will discuss why your dog is attracted to black mondo grass and how to control it.

Let’s start.

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Is Black Mondo Grass Poisonous to Dogs?

Is Black Mondo Grass toxic to Dogs

Yes, but the good news is that black mondo grass is considered to be mildly toxic to dogs only when they eat it. Do you know what is the meaning of mildly toxic?

Black mondo grass it’s not highly poisonous. Only when your dog ingests significant quantities of it, will cause gastrointestinal upset. So, if you follow my instructions in this article, you can have Black mondo grass with its elegant dark leaves and white flowers in your house or garden without any worry about your loyal companion.

In the following, I will first tell you about the symptoms of poisoning with Black mondo grass in dogs:

The Symptoms of Black Mondo Grass Ingestion in Dogs

After answering “Is black mondo grass poisonous to dogs?” is the turn to consider its symptoms. As mentioned above, generally Black mondo grass it’s not highly poisonous unless your dog eats significant quantities of it. in this situation, you may spot the following symptoms. Please note that the symptoms can vary in severity depending on:

  • The amount consumed
  • The individual dog’s sensitivity.
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The common symptoms may include:

  • Vomiting:

Dogs may vomit shortly after ingesting black mondo grass as their body tries to expel the toxic substances.

  • Diarrhoea:

Ingesting the plant can lead to diarrhoea, which may be watery or contain blood in more severe cases.

  • Drooling:

Some dogs may exhibit excessive drooling as a result of consuming the plant.

  • Abdominal Discomfort:

Dogs may show signs of abdominal discomfort, such as whining, restlessness, or discomfort when their abdomen is touched.

  • Loss of Appetite:

A dog that has eaten black mondo grass may lose interest in food or refuse to eat.

  • Lethargy:

Affected dogs may become lethargic, weak, or unusually tired.

Vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so watch for signs like dry gums, sunken eyes, or reduced skin elasticity.

  • Tremors or Seizures:

In rare and severe cases, ingestion of toxic plants like black mondo grass can lead to neurological symptoms like tremors or seizures.

If you see the above symptoms, you must follow the below remedies. These symptoms are not specified of black mondo grass toxicity and you may see them in any poisoning.

Is Black Mondo Grass Poisonous to Dogs? Treat the Poisoned Dog.

 Treating the Poisoned Dog by Black Mondo Grass

If you find out your dog has ingested black mondo grass or any potentially poisonous substance, here’s what you should do:

  • Contact a Veterinarian:

Call your veterinarian or the nearest emergency veterinary clinic immediately. You should have important information on hand, such as your dog’s breed, age, weight, and any preexisting health conditions or allergies. This information will help the veterinarian assess the situation more accurately.

  • Don’t Waste Time:

Do not wait for symptoms to worsen before seeking help. The sooner you act, the better the chances of successful treatment.

  • Be Caution About the Home Remedies:

Some treatments that aren’t specifically instructed to do so by a veterinarian, can be harmful if used inappropriately.

  • Do Not Induce Vomiting:

Don’t do it unless specifically advised to do so by a veterinarian. Some substances can be more harmful when vomited back up.

Why Dogs Are Interested to Eat Black Mondo Grass?

Now I answered “Is Black mondo grass toxic to dogs?” let to answer another common question. Most dog owners say:” How may my dog get poisoned with plants while the dogs are carnivorous animals, they don’t like to eat plants.” Don’t mistake! In the following, I will give you several reasons that encourage your dog to eat plants.  So, keep reading.

  • Exploration: Dogs are naturally curious animals, and they often investigate their environment by sniffing and tasting things, including plants. This curiosity can lead them to try different plants, even if they don’t have a particular reason for doing so.
  • Instinct: Some dogs have an innate instinct to eat plants as a way to aid digestion or help themselves vomit. This behaviour is thought to be a way for dogs to self-medicate when they have an upset stomach or to rid themselves of something that doesn’t agree with them.
  • Nutritional Deficiency: In some cases, dogs may eat plants if they are experiencing a nutritional deficiency. They may be seeking certain vitamins, minerals, or fibre that they are lacking in their diet.
  • Boredom or Stress: Dogs may chew on plants out of boredom or as a way to alleviate stress or anxiety. Chewing on something, even a plant, can be a comforting behaviour for some dogs.
  • Natural Behavior: Dogs are descended from wolves, and wolves have been known to consume plants as part of their diet. This behaviour may have some genetic basis in domestic dogs.
  • Attractiveness: Some plants may simply look appealing to dogs, either because of their texture, taste, or scent.
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How Can I Prevent My Dog from Eating Black Mondo Grass?

Preventing Dogs from Eating Black Mondo Grass

In the previous part, you find out why your dog likes to eat plants. In the last part to answer “Is black mondo grass poisonous to dogs?”, let to find ways to prevent your dog from eating black mondo grass or any poisonous plant.

It involves a combination of:

  • Training
  • Supervision
  • Environmental management

Below, I provide you with 9 steps that you can take to prevent your dog from eating toxic plants:

1- Training and Commands:

Teach your dog basic commands like “leave it” and “drop it.” These commands can be valuable in redirecting your dog’s attention away from plants and objects.

Practice these commands regularly to reinforce them. Reward your dog with treats and praise when they obey.

2- Keep Your Eye on Your Dog:

When your dog is outdoors, especially in areas where toxic plants are present, keep a close eye on them. Supervision can help you intervene if they show interest in eating plants.

3- Inhabit by Fencing:

Install fencing around your garden or yard to create a barrier between your dog and toxic plants. Make sure the fence is secure and high enough to prevent your dog from accessing the plants.

4- Think About Using Leash Walks:

When walking your dog in areas where toxic plants may be present, keep them on a leash to have better control over their movements and prevent them from eating anything harmful.

5- Build a Pet-Friendly Garden:

If you’re planning your garden, choose non-toxic plants or consider using raised beds or containers for plants that may be harmful to dogs.

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6- Get Help From Plant Deterrents:

Use natural deterrents like bitter apple spray on plants that are particularly tempting to your dog. These sprays have an unpleasant taste and can discourage chewing.

7- Surprise Your Dog During Outdoor Playtime:

Provide plenty of toys and activities to keep your dog entertained during outdoor playtime. A stimulated and engaged dog is less likely to turn to plants for entertainment.

8- Consider About Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation of Your Dog:

Make sure your dog receives enough physical exercise and mental stimulation to reduce boredom and anxiety, which can lead to destructive behaviours like plant chewing.

9- Finally, Consult a Veterinarian:

If you find out that your dog is attributed to plants or is exhibiting unusual behaviour, you should consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviourist. They always have guidance and training tips for you.


I answered “Is black mondo grass poisonous to dogs?” and told you if your dog eats a significant amount of it, will cause digester problems for it. I also told you about the symptoms of black mondo grass poisoning in dogs and showed you how to treat a poisoned dog and how to prevent it from eating black mondo grass.

Now you can enjoy the beauty of this elegant grass-like plant while don’t worry about your loyal friend. Do you know other poisonous plants for dogs? Do you think the above remedies can work well? What do you do when your dog gets poisoned? Please share your ideas and experiences with our readers below this page.


Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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