Lemongrass Plant in the Bedroom: 7 Magic Benefits That You Must Know

Lemongrass Plant in the Bedroom

Have you ever thought about incorporating a lemongrass plant in the bedroom décor? The lemongrass plant in your bedroom has a lot of benefits for your physical and mental health. Join me in this article to tell you all of the things you should know.

In recent years people have thought about adding indoor plants to various parts of their houses such as the living room, Kitchen, bathroom, and even bedroom. Yes, bedroom! Having a green bedroom brings a comfortable dream and an energetic morning for you. Have you ever tried it? Among the various houseplants, incorporating Lemongrass into bedroom décor not only enhances the aesthetical view of your house but also has a lot of physical benefits. Hence, in the present article:

Lemongrass Plant in the Bedroom has a lot of benefits

  • First, I provide you with tips to identify lemongrass and distinguish it from other grasses.
  • Then, I will tell you the benefits of growing lemongrass indoors, especially in bedrooms.
  • And finally, I will show you how to grow a lemongrass indoor plant in the bedroom.

If you are ready let’s get going.

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Get to know Lemongrass:

Lemongrass, scientifically known as Cymbopogon citratus is similar to other grasses with a few differences. In the first part of our journey, I decided to introduce this green companion a bit better. The lemongrass is a perennial herb that is native to tropical regions of Asia and Africa. First, let to discuss its appearance.

Lemongrass appearance

The lemongrass looks like:

  • Its leaves are long, slender (liner)-shaped (similar to other grasses).
  • Its linear-shaped leaves have sharp edges with a vibrant green hue.
  • lemongrass indoor plant has tall, graceful stems.
  • In its natural habitat, Lemongrass can grow up to six feet in height, but when cultivated indoors, it typically stays between two to four feet.

The lemongrass characteristics:

  • The most distinct characteristic of lemongrass is the distinct lemony fragrance of leaves when they are crushed or brushed against. In this situation, the leaves release a refreshing citrusy aroma that instantly uplifts the senses.
  • lemongrass indoor plant has a lot of uses from cooking to medicine. Hence recent years, growing lemongrass indoors has been a trend. I discussed the benefits of growing lemongrass indoors in my previous article.
  • This is one of the best indoor grasses for rabbits, so, growing it in your house will please your furry friend.
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Lemongrass Plant in Bedroom Benefits

Now that we’ve acquainted ourselves with the Lemongrass plant let’s dive into the remarkable benefits it offers when placed in your bedroom.

  1. Improved Air Quality

Living in big cities with a lot of air pollution makes us add air-purifying plants to our living space, lemongrass is one of them. Hence, having a Lemongrass plant in your bedroom will help to purify the air. It is one of the most benefits of growing lemongrass indoors. Lemongrass is known to filter out pollutants and toxins from the air and provide cleaner, fresher indoor air to breathe. This can be especially beneficial for those with allergies or respiratory issues.

  1. Stress Reduction

The soothing fragrance of Lemongrass has a calming effect on the mind. Inhaling the lemony aroma can help reduce stress, and anxiety, and even promote better sleep quality. Placing a Lemongrass plant on your bedroom nightstand can create a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

  1. Natural Mosquito Repellent

Natural Mosquito Repellent of lemongrass plant in bedroom

Great! Thanks to lemongrass due to its ability and it’s another benefit of growing lemongrass indoors. Lemongrass contains citronella, a natural mosquito repellent. Having this plant in your bedroom can help keep those pesky insects at bay, ensuring uninterrupted sleep during warm summer nights.

  1. Aesthetic Appeal

Beyond its practical benefits, Lemongrass adds aesthetic charm to your bedroom. Its vibrant green foliage brings a touch of nature indoors, making your space feel more inviting and livelier. Whether your bedroom boasts a modern minimalist design or a cosy rustic ambience, the Lemongrass plant seamlessly fits in, adding a tropical view to your bedroom.

  1. Easy Maintenance
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Lemongrass is a low-maintenance plant, making it an ideal choice for those without green thumbs. It requires minimal watering and can thrive in indirect sunlight, making it suitable for various bedroom environments. So, the easy growing characteristic of this plant is another benefit of growing lemongrass indoors.

  1. Culinary Possibilities

Culinary Possibilities of lemongrass

Apart from its ornamental value, Lemongrass leaves can be harvested and used to infuse a delightful lemony flavour into your culinary creations. Fresh Lemongrass adds a unique twist to soups, teas, and a variety of dishes. Hence, the benefit of growing lemongrass indoors is you always have its fresh leaves.

  1. Healthy effects

The Lemongrass’ leaves and stems also have antibacterial and antifungal properties, so, another benefit of growing lemongrass indoors is adding an extra layer of protection to your bedroom environment.

How to Grow Lemongrass Plant in the Bedroom

Now that you’re convinced of the benefits of having Lemongrass in your bedroom, let’s explore how to cultivate and maintain this aromatic herb indoors.

  1. Choose the Right Location

Select a spot in your bedroom that receives indirect sunlight for a significant part of the day. Lemongrass prefers bright, filtered light but can tolerate a few hours of direct sunlight if necessary.

  1. Select a Suitable Container

Opt for a large pot or container with good drainage. Lemongrass can grow quite tall, so choose a container that accommodates its height and allows the roots room to spread.

Growing Lemongrass Plant

  1. Planting lemongrass indoor plant

Fill the container with well-draining potting soil, leaving about an inch at the top for watering. Plant the Lemongrass stalks (also known as bulbs) about one inch deep into the soil. Space them at least two inches apart. If you are interested in growing lemongrass in water, I discussed it in my previous article.

  1. Watering and Maintenance

How often to water lemongrass in pot? Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Lemongrass prefers slightly damp conditions. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. During the growing season, you may need to water more frequently.

  1. Pruning and Harvesting
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To encourage bushier growth, trim the top one-third of the plant when it reaches about one foot in height. You can also harvest the leaves as needed for culinary purposes. Trim away any yellow or dead leaves regularly to maintain the plant’s health. if you have a furry friend, lemongrass is one of the best indoor grasses for rabbits.

If you want to know how fast lemongrass grows and how you can make it fast-growing, I discussed it in my previous articles.

  1. Fertilizing

Feed your lemongrass indoor plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

  1. Pest Control

Lemongrass is relatively pest-resistant, but you should still keep an eye out for common indoor pests like aphids or spider mites. If you notice any issues, address them promptly with natural remedies or insecticidal soap.


Here, I showed you how to enhance the aesthetics and well-being of your bedroom by adding a Lemongrass plant. I told you about the benefits of lemongrass in bedroom décor from its mental and physical impacts to its mosquito-repellent ability.

Have you ever experienced having a lemongrass pot in your bedroom? Do you want to try it? what indoor plants do you have in your bedroom? Have you had specific reasons to choose them? please share your ideas and experiences with us below this page.


Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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