What is the Best Liquid Fertilizer for Pothos?

Liquid Fertilizer for Pothos to grow healthy

I feed my Pothos with a liquid-balanced NPK, liquid organic fertilizer, and seaweed-based fertilizer based on a regular diet in the growing season. Here, I want to share my experiences about the best liquid fertilizer for Pothos according to my tests, so keep reading.

➡ Pothos is a low-maintenance houseplant which not like to be overly fed. However, feeding with proper fertilizer is more important when you grow it in water.

Liquid Fertilizer for Pothos in Soil

A Healthy Pothos due to feeding with a proper Liquid liquid Fertilizer for Pothos in Soil

To find the best food for every houseplant, first, consider why you choose it: its stunning foliage, its colourful leaves, or its gorgeous blooms. To keep every characteristic in your plant, you need special food with specific nutrients.

People grow Pothos because it‘s a hard-to-kill low-light houseplant with lovely green leaves which can cover large spaces in your house. Hence you need a fertilizer that:

  • It can support its growth speed
  • It must Stimulate your Pothos to produce more large lush leaves.
  • In addition, your Pothos diet must make it resistant to pests (tiny bugs on houseplants) and diseases.

So, you need a feeding program that can provide nutrients which play critical roles in photosynthesising (like N and K fertilizes) and induce strong extended roots (like P fertilizers), enhancing soil characteristics and nutrient uptake (like Organic fertilizers, Humic acids, and Seaweed-based fertilizers).

if you are interested in the importance of various nutrients and fertilizers for houseplants, read my other post “Best Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants“.

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A proper ratio of a liquid NPK fertilizer will give enough amounts of critical macronutrients (Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus) to my Pothos and an Organic fertilizer along with a Seaweed-based fertilizer will provide micronutrients and Bioactive compounds for it.

I use the following diet for my Pothos:
  • Soil drenched with a liquid a 10-10-10 or 9-3-6 ratio NPK fertilizer.
  • Spray leaves with a seaweed-based fertilizer two weeks later.
  • Soil drenched with my natural organic homemade liquid fertilizer two weeks later.
  • Two weeks later, repeat the above program and follow it during the growing season.

My Homemade Organic Liquid Fertilizer

Homemade Organic Liquid Fertilizer with onion and banana peels

I read articles about natural fertilisers with Banana, and onion peels and found out they are a good source of Nitrogen, although their other nutrient content is lower than the standard nutrient content of liquid organic fertilizers (LOF).

the results of a research about nutrient content of organic fertilizers

However, research shows these matters (especially onion peels) have various valuable Bioactive Compounds. Hence, I use my “liquid organic fertilizer” as a supplement in my Pothos diet.

  1. During summer hot days, I collect the Onion and Banana peels, and after washing put them under direct sunlight to dry. you can dry them in an oven or front of a fan. I’m concerned about microbial infection in onion peels and hope the sunlight kills them.
  2. Several days later, I powdered dried peels and then stored them in jars.
  3. I add one spoonful of every Powder (banana peel and onion peel) to a jar, then add one litre of hot water and close the lid. I leave it for 48 hours and then drench the soil with it.

 ➡ If you spot any sign of bacteria or fungi infestation after opening the lid, avoid adding it to plants.

See also  Best Tested Fertilizer for Hoya to Bloom: Getting Hoya to Bloom Easily

Liquid Fertilizer for Pothos in Water

Liquid Fertilizer for Pothos in Water is necessary

Pothos can thrive well in water for years if you feed it properly and can control the risk of root rot. The roots can uptake nutrients more easily in water than in soil. Hence the risk of over-fertilizing is higher in water conditions.

So you must dilute every fertilizer to ¼ strength, change the water the next day and monitor your plant reaction.

I perform the following diet for my Pothos plant in water.
  • I dilute to ¼ strength a liquid 10-10-10 or 9-3-6 ratio NPK fertilizer and then add three spoons of it to a one-litre pot. Change pot water the next day.
  • Two weeks later, Spray leaves with a seaweed-based fertilizer.
  • Two weeks later, remove a quarter of the water in the pot and fill it with My DIY liquid Organic fertilizer (or any liquid organic fertilizer). Change the water the next day.

Pro Tips for Fertilizing Pothos

  • If you have a variegated Pothos, providing its light requirements is more critical than fertilizing to keep its lovely colours. To find the best light for your indoor plants read my other post ” Low Light Plants“.
  • During fall and winter, I just fertilize my Pothos with my natural organic homemade fertilizer every two weeks.
  • I also add Amino acids to soil and leaves after repotting to make them resistant to stresses.


However, Pothos is a low-maintenance houseplant but proper fertilizing will help it to grow faster and healthier. I gave you a diet for your Pothos in soil and water and showed you how to determine the best liquid fertilizer for Pothos.

See also  Best Natural Fertilizer for Lucky Bamboo in Pots: How to Use

Please tell me about your experiences in feeding houseplants, especially their diet. I hope to hear your ideas and experience in making DIY organic fertilizers. You can also ask me your questions below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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