Top 10 Low-Light Indoor Plants for Bedroom in 2024: Tried and True

I suggest Snake plants and Moth orchids as low-light indoor plants for bedroom. Would you happen to know why? Although they prefer bright indirect sunlight, they can grow in low light. Another unique thing is they not only can purify the air but also produce Oxygen at night. So, adding them to your bedroom, its atmosphere clean during the day and full of oxygen at night.

Another critical point is the Snake plants and Moth orchids are low-maintenance indoor plants. The Snake plant is a non-toxic plant for cats and other pets. Anyway, if you are interested in finding other low-light indoor plants for bedroom, I collected the top 10 here that allow you to select your favourite plant by its name and pictures. In addition, I will tell you tips about taking care of them.

snake plant and Moth orchids are best low-light indoor plants for bedroom

There are several characteristics that a plant should have to put it in a bedroom. Before diving into the best indoor plants for bedrooms with no light, let’s know about the specifications that the perfect ones should have.

What Are the Characteristics of the Best Low-Light Indoor Plants for Bedrooms?

The best indoor plants for bedrooms should have the following characteristics:

  • They must purify the air. Plants by producing oxygen during the day and absorbing dioxide carbon and other poisonous gas can purify the air of your house.
  • Some of the plants not only can purify the air but they can also produce oxygen at night. So, they will make a relaxing sleep and energetic morning for you.
  • They should be colourful. A dim bedroom needs colours to give you a lovely sensation. Colourful Indoor plants do this task perfectly. your houseplant brings life to your bedroom.
  • They must grow in low-light conditions. You need plants that can thrive in dim places.
  • They should be easy-growing plants. Most people spend little time in their bedrooms during the day. When you come back home after a hard day and need to relax, your bedroom houseplant helps you to feel great. But most of the time you are tired and may forget to water and take care of them. so, you need a plant with low takes caring needs.
  • They Should not be poisonous. The plants you put in your bedroom should not be toxic for kids and pets.
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best indoor plants for bedroom with no light

Finding plants that have all of the above conditions is difficult but, in the following, I will show you low-light indoor plants that can clean the air too. they are appropriate for your bedroom. If you are considering other characteristics, you can check the flowing table and find other options.

Best indoor plants for bedrooms with low light.
The Common manes The scientific names Low light Air purifying Producing oxygen at night Hard to kill Colourful plant Safe for pets
Peace lily Spathiphyllum sp. + + + +
English ivy Hedera helix + + +
Snake plant Sansevieria trifasciata + + + + +
Moth orchid Phalaenopsis Blume + + + + + +
Money Plant Golden Pothos Epipremnum aureum + + + +
Chinese Evergreens Aglaonema sp. + + + +
Spider Plant Chlorophytum comosum + + + +
Broad lady palm Rhapis excelsa + + + +
Weeping fig Ficus benjamina + +
Rubber plant Ficus elastica + + + +

The best house plants for bedrooms with no light

In the following, you can find the top 10 indoor plants for low-light bedrooms with their names and pictures.

Peace lily 

Scientific name: Spathiphyllum sp.

Peace lilies are one of the popular flowering houseplants that require regular watering. It would help if you watered it when the topsoil dries out.

peace lily: low light indoor plant for bedrooms

English ivy 

Scientific name: Hedera helix

Avoid overwatering, it doesn’t like soggy soil. However, if you avoid overwatering, it can be one of the best low-light hanging plants for your bathrooms.

It can reduce the amount of formaldehyde in the air.

English ivy for bedrooms with no light

Snake plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue)

Scientific name: Sansevieria trifasciata

Snake plant is perfect for bedrooms because it can produce oxygen at night making it an ideal choice for your bedroom.

In addition, it can stand low light and dry conditions too. Thanks to the snake plant. Snake plants have a lot of varieties and some are the best small low-light succulents indoors.

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snake plant is best for low light bedrooms

Moth orchid 

Scientific name: Phalaenopsis Blume

Another specific plant for bedrooms. In the following you can find some characteristics of the Moth orchid that cause me to recommend it for your bedroom:

  • It doesn’t need regular watering and can stand in dry condition for a short time.
  • It is one of the rare plants that can produce oxygen during the night.
  • Its colourful blooms can last up to four months in low light conditions and bring energy and life to your dim room.

Moth orchid  for low light bedrooms

Golden pothos (Money Plant)

Scientific name: Epipremnum aureum

They are perfect plants to absorb benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other pollutants from the air but they are toxic for pets.

They love indirect light conditions but can last up in low light conditions too. if you don’t have enough space in your bedroom, you can put them on shelves as a climbing or crawling plant.

Golden pothos in a lowlight bedroom

Chinese Evergreen

Scientific name: Aglaonema sp.

The Chinese Evergreen not only is famous due to its ability to air pollution such as benzene, formaldehyde and other toxins, but it can also produce a high oxygen content during the day.

Chinese Evergreens is good for dark bedrooms

Spider Plant

Scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum

I strongly suggest it for your bedroom due to it can grow in low light conditions and can purify the air from toxic pollutions such as carbon monoxide and xylene. Spider plant is also safe for pets.

Spider Plant in a dark bedroom

Broad lady palm

Scientific name: Rhapis excelsa

If you have a big bedroom with a high ceiling Broad Lady Palm can give a tropical view there. however, you can buy a smaller one. This plant loves moisture so, this low-light indoor tree safe for pets can be a perfect choice for bathrooms too.

Broad lady palm in low light bedroom

Weeping fig

Scientific name: Ficus benjamina

It is a perfect plant for purifying air from some air pollution such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. But this plant hates change. It has its best growing at bright indirect light however it can last up in low light conditions too.

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Weeping fig for dark bedrooms

Rubber plant

Scientific name: Ficus elastica

The rubber plant is my favourite houseplant that I strongly suggest it for not only your bedroom but also your living room due to the:

  • It is easy to care for indoor plant
  • It can grow in low-light conditions
  • It is ok with dry conditions and you should let its soil dry out between waterings.
  • It can purify the air of your house from pollution, bacteria and mould spores.
  • It can reach up to 8 feet tall and give a tropical view to your space.

rubber plant a low light indoor plant for dark bedrooms


Now you get familiar with the top 10 best indoor plants for low-light bedrooms including Peace lily, English ivy, Snake plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue), Moth orchid, Golden Pothos (Money Plant), Chinese Evergreens, Spider Plant, Broad lady palm, Weeping fig and Rubber plant.

Can you tell our readers which one of the above plants has all the characteristics of a perfect indoor plant for low-light bedrooms? (Get help from the above table and write its name below this page). Do you have it in your house?

Did you find your favourite houseplant for your dark bedroom in the above list? What was its name? Why did you choose it? Do you know other indoor plants for bedrooms with no light? Please share your ideas and knowledge with us below this page.


Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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