Lucky Bamboo Humidity: 5 Magic Ways + Pro Tips to Do

Lucky Bamboo Humidity

Are you worried about your lucky bamboo humidity? Join this article to tell you the best ways to provide sufficient humidity for your lucky bamboo with pro tips.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is one of the popular indoor bamboo types due to its use in Feng Shue practices and its aesthetic appeal.  It is in tall and small forms and caring for it is very easy.

In my previous article, I told you about caring for indoor bamboo plants and considering some of their needs specifically such as light requirements of lucky bamboo.

As you know the lucky bamboo can benefit from increased humidity levels when grown indoors, especially in dry climates. So, in this article, I want to discuss lucky bamboo humidity in detail. Let’s find out about it.

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Magic Ways to Provide Lucky Bamboo Humidity

Here, you learn 5 ways to provide appropriate humidity for your lucky bamboo.

1- Humidity Tray: Build an Island for lucky bamboo humidity

Humidity Tray: Build an Island for lucky bamboo humidity

It is a simple and effective way to increase the humidity around your indoor bamboo plants, especially if you live in a dry climate or have indoor heating that dries out the air. Let to do it:

All the things you’ll need:

  • A shallow, waterproof tray or saucer: It must be slightly larger than the base of your plant’s pot to accommodate it. It should be shallow, no more than 2 inches deep, to avoid the roots sitting in water, which can lead to root rot.
  • Pebbles or Gravel
  • Distilled or tap water (if your tap water isn’t heavily mineralized).

How to do it:

1- Select your tray and clean it. Ensure that the tray is clean and free from any debris or contaminants.

2- Pour a layer of pebbles or gravel into the tray, filling it about one-third to one-half full. The depth of the layer will depend on the size of your tray and plant. The purpose of the pebbles is to create a reservoir for water and to elevate the plant pot above the water level.

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3- Set your houseplant’s pot on top of the pebbles. Make sure the pot doesn’t touch the water in the tray.

4- Fill the tray with water, but don’t submerge the pebbles entirely. The goal is to have the water level just below the surface of the pebbles. As the water evaporates, it will increase the humidity around the plant.

5- Keep an eye on the water level in the tray. Add more water as needed to maintain the desired humidity level. In dry climates or during the heating season, you may need to refill the tray every few days.

2- Group Plants Together for Lucky Bamboo Humidity

Group Plants Together for Lucky Bamboo Humidity

Grouping plants together can help increase lucky bamboo humidity in their immediate vicinity through a process known as “microclimate” or “microenvironment” humidity. Let to find out how it happens:

Transpiration: Have you ever thought about the importance of transpiration for your houseplant? Plants release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration. Transpiration is the natural release of water vapour from a plant’s leaves and stems.

When plants are grouped closely together, the combined transpiration of all the plants increases the lucky bamboo humidity in the immediate area. Lucky Bamboo, like many other houseplants, contributes to this moisture release.

Shade and Shelter: Grouping plants provide shade and shelter for each other. It is usually more important for outdoor plants, although if you have a house with south windows and sunny rooms, it can be important too.

When plants are positioned closely, they create a microclimate with reduced air movement and less exposure to direct sunlight. This can help slow down the evaporation of water from the soil and increase the humidity in the surrounding space.

 💡 Now you have found out the benefits of grouping plants together for lucky bamboo humidity, let to tell you tips that you must consider.

  • Choose companion plants that have similar care requirements, such as light and water needs, to ensure they thrive together.
  • Maintain proper spacing to allow adequate air circulation and prevent overcrowding, which can lead to issues like mould or disease.

3- A room Humidifier Can Help to Lucky Bamboo Humidity

Using a room humidifier can be an effective way to maintain the optimal humidity levels for Lucky Bamboo. Select a humidifier that suits the size of the room where your Lucky Bamboo is located and fill it with distilled or filtered water. Put the humidifier near your Lucky Bamboo but not too close.

Lucky Bamboo typically thrives in humidity levels between 40% and 60%. Use the humidifier’s settings to maintain humidity within this range. You can use a hygrometer (humidity meter) to regularly check the humidity levels in the room. This will help you ensure that the humidifier is providing the right amount of moisture.

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 💡 Please note the following tips while using a room humidifier for lucky bamboo humidity.

  • To prevent the growth of mould or bacteria in the humidifier, clean it as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Typically, this involves regular rinsing and disinfecting. Dirty humidifiers can potentially harm your plant’s health.
  • Ensure that there is some degree of ventilation in the room. While you want to maintain higher humidity, stagnant air can be detrimental to both plants and humans. Crack open a window or use a fan if necessary.
  • Too much humidity can be harmful as well. If you notice condensation on windows or surfaces, reduce the humidifier’s output or decrease the time it runs.
  • Try to provide consistent humidity levels. Sudden drops or spikes in humidity can stress your Lucky Bamboo. Keep the humidifier running regularly, especially during the dry winter months when indoor air tends to be drier.
  • Keep an eye on your Lucky Bamboo’s appearance. If you spot signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves or mould on the soil, you must adjust the humidity levels and check for other factors like proper light and watering.

4- Mist the Leaves for lucky bamboo humidity

Mist the Leaves for lucky bamboo humidity

It is another easy way to provide humidity for your lucky bamboo. Use a spray bottle to lightly mist the leaves of your Lucky Bamboo. There are several tips that you must consider to gain the best results:

  • Spray your lucky bamboo with room-temperature water.
  • Fill your spray bottle with filtered or distilled water to avoid any chemicals or impurities that may harm the plant.
  • Do this in the morning to allow the leaves time to dry before evening. Moisture on the foliage during the night can encourage fungal growth.
  • Misting once or twice a week is generally enough but you must mist every few days when the air feels particularly dry.
  • Spray a fine mist over the leaves rather than drenching them.
  • Try to focus on misting the leaves and avoid getting water on the stalks or base of the plant. Excessive moisture around the stems can lead to rotting.

5- Place a Pebble Tray with Water Near your Lucky Bamboo

This way is similar to the first way but you don’t put it under the pot and place a shallow dish filled with water and pebbles near the plant. The water evaporating from the dish will increase the humidity around the plant without risking overwatering.

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Pro Tips to Provide Lucky Bamboo Humidity

Pro Tips to Provide Lucky Bamboo Humidity

Above, I showed you some ways to provide humidity for your lucky bamboo. In this part, I want to tell you some pro tips that you must consider in this issue.

1- Never Mistake High Humidity for Overwatering

While maintaining humidity is important, avoid overwatering your Lucky Bamboo, it will kill your plant. Ensure that the plant is in well-draining soil or water to prevent root rot. I told you about the proper watering practices of lucky bamboo in soil and the best ways of watering lucky bamboo in rocks and pebbles. Please read them to maintain a healthy balance.

2- Try to Provide Consistent Conditions for Your Lucky Bamboo

It is important to keep the indoor temperature and humidity levels relatively stable. So, you must avoid placing the plant near heating or cooling vents, which can cause rapid fluctuations in both temperature and humidity.

Rapid changes in lucky bamboo humidity can cause stress for it.  hence, I always recommend Avoid placing your Lucky Bamboo in areas with extreme humidity fluctuations, such as bathrooms with hot showers. Please read my article about indoor bamboo care to find out more tips.

3- Consider the Seasonal Adjustments

Be prepared to make adjustments based on the seasons. Humidity tends to drop during the winter when indoor heating is on, so you may need to increase humidity at that time.

4- Clean Humidity Sources regularly

Ensure that any containers or trays used for humidity are clean. It is critical to prevent the growth of mould or bacteria. Change the water regularly to maintain freshness.


In this article, to promote the healthy growth of lucky bamboo, I told you about the ways and pro tips for lucky bamboo humidity. Now, you can provide sufficient humidity for your plant by creating an environment that mimics its native habitat.

Can you raise our list with your creative ways for lucky bamboo humidity? Do you know tips that not be mentioned here? Please share them with our readers below this page. you can also ask me your questions below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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