Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements: Prevent Yellow or Brown Leaves

Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements

Here you will find the pro tips about Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements by considering the various light conditions of your house. keep reading.

Most people love to have Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) in their house due to many reasons from the Feng Shue belief to its low maintenance requirements and attractive appearance. However, it is not a safe plant for cats.  Are you a fan of Lucky Bamboo indoors?

As you know Lucky Bamboo is one of the most popular types of indoor bamboo. In my previous article, I told you about taking care of indoor bamboo house plants including their light requirements when grown indoors. Here, I want to discuss it in detail with a lot of pro tips on this issue.

After reading this article you can easily find the best place in your house to provide the Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements. Keep reading to find golden tips that no one has told you.

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Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements: Where Should I Put Lucky Bamboo in My House?

Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements: Where Should I Put Lucky Bamboo in My House?

As a general rule, your Lucky Bamboo loves the bright places of your house with indirect sunlight, but you must avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.

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Do you know why you must avoid putting it in a place with direct sunlight? Lucky Bamboo is sensitive to direct sunlight because prolonged exposure can lead to leaf burn. Hence If you spot its leaves are turning yellow or brown, it can be a sign of getting too much sun.

So, what is the best place in your house with bright, indirect sunlight? For the answer to this question first, let to consider the various light conditions of your house when you give the light from windows: (Please note the images to find the best place for your lucky bamboo)

North-Facing Window: 

North-facing window for lucky bamboo light requirements

  • Indirect light without any direct sunlight

Suitable for:

  • Plants that must thrive in indirect and low-light conditions.

East-Facing Window: 

East-facing window for lucky bamboo light requirements

  • Direct morning sun for a few hours
  • Indirect light for the rest of the day

Suitable for:

  • Plants that love bright indirect light (or medium indirect light)

West-Facing Window: 

west-facing window for lucky bamboo light requirements

  • Indirect light for most of the day
  • Direct light for a few hours in late afternoon or early evening. (Please note that the afternoon sun is stronger than the morning sun).

Suitable for:

  • Plants that must grow in bright indirect light
  • Plants that like direct sun if you put them very close to the window.

South-Facing Window: 

South-facing window for lucky bamboo light requirements

  • Direct sunlight during the day.

Suitable for:

  • Plants that must grow in direct sunlight.

As you found out, to provide a bright condition with indirect sunlight for your lucky bamboo, dependent on your window, you must put it in the following places (please note the above images):

  • If you have a North-facing window you must place your lucky bamboo very close to the window.
  • If you have an East- or west-facing window in your house the best place for your lucky bamboo is within a few feet of the window.
  • If you have a South-facing window you have to put your lucky bamboo a few feet back (see the image) to avoid direct sun. if you want to put it close to the southern window, you must filter the direct sun by hanging a sheer
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 💡 No matter where you put your Lucky bamboo, as a general rule, you must rotate its pot every few weeks to ensure even growth and prevent the plant from leaning toward the light source. It is important to maintain a balanced and attractive appearance.

Can lucky bamboo live in low light?

However, the Lucky bamboo is a low-light tolerance indoor plant and you can put it in a dim room, but it may grow more slowly. As mentioned above it loves to live in a bright place with indirect sunlight. In addition, it can increase the risk of the appearance of tiny bugs on your houseplant bamboo.

Lucky Bamboo Light Requirements: How can I make my lucky bamboo grow faster?

Light has a critical impact on the rate of growth of lucky bamboo. Hence, you must monitor the light levels. If you spot your plant is becoming pale or if new growth is smaller and weaker than before, you must think about your Lucky Bamboo light requirements. In this situation, your plant needs lighter.

If you have limited natural light and are considering the rate of growth of your lucky bamboo, you can encourage it to grow faster by using fluorescent or LED grow lights to supplement the light requirements.


Thanks for walking with me to the end of this article, now you know all things about Lucky Bamboo light requirements. You can easily find the best place in your house for your bamboo plant and reward it with bright indirect light to grow faster.

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What is your window direction? Can you detect the best place for your lucky bamboo? Do you think which one is more ideal for your lucky bamboo: the North window or the East window? please share your ideas and experiences with our readers below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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