Are Mushrooms in your Houseplant Good Luck?

Mushrooms in your Houseplant can be Good Luck

I believe growing mushrooms in houseplants is good luck. They not only bring a lot of benefits for your indoor plants but also there are beliefs about how seeing mushrooms can bring good things to your day. However, there are concerns about them too. If you have spotted a mushroom in your houseplant and are searching for “Are mushrooms in your houseplant good luck?” join me here to give you an overview.

In this article, I will tell you about:

  • Mushroom Superstitions.
  • The common mushrooms growing in your houseplant.
  • Are mushrooms in houseplants good luck?
  • Are mushrooms in your houseplant good or bad for your plant?

Let’s get going.

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Mushroom Superstitions in Folklore.

Mushroom Superstitions in Folklore

In various cultures, mushrooms are associated with witches and fairies. Do you know why? Some of the mushrooms have medical uses. Some have an impact on the mind and historic witches used them for their magic things. Due to their role in saving lives to expanding minds, people assumed a magical power for mushrooms.

Several superstitions are about shrooms in different cultures. For example, Scotland people believe mushrooms have magical properties and their charm can ward off evil spirits. So, when I asked one of my friends “Are mushrooms lucky?” she answered me: Yeah.

In the following, I want to tell you about some mushroom superstitions. Please note that there isn’t any scientific reason for superstitions and I’ve heard them from my family and friends or read about them in other stories.

Finding Mushrooms Is Good Luck!

In different cultures finding a mushroom is a sign of good luck. For example, In the UK, people believe growing mushrooms in houseplants or gardens is lucky.  A wonderful folklore belief is if you made a wish on a mushroom and after a while, it didn’t rot, your wish would come true. I’ve not ever experienced it but if find a mushroom will do.

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Picking Mushrooms Is Bad luck!

However, finding mushrooms is good luck, but in some cultures picking them on certain days is considered unlucky. For example, folklore in the UK believes that if you pick mushrooms on Sunday, it will be unlucky.

Never Step Inside Fairy Rings of Mushrooms!


Fairy Ring: mushroom Superstitions

Have you ever seen Fairy Rings? They are circular formations of mushrooms and there are mushroom superstitions about them. In some countries, people believe when fairies dance on rainy nights, in the morning you will see a Fairy Ring on the ground.

One of my friends who lives in the UK said to me his grandmother believes witches sit in a circle on rainy nights and in the morning, you spot a magic ring in the garden.

A mushroom superstition says if you step inside this ring, you will be transported to the magic realm. I am interested to experience it. How about you? I hope to see Harry Potter there (or Death Eaters!!! Very bad luck!)

Anyway, as a plant pathologist, I know forming the Fairy Rings has a scientific reason and their forming is due to the circular extension of fungal colonies. So, if you want to see a fairy or magic realm, you must find another way.

By and large, Do you think are mushrooms good luck? I think yes, because they have benefits for plants, especially if you spot mushrooms in your houseplant. In the following, I will discuss it in detail.

The Common Good Luck Mushrooms Growing in your Houseplant.

good luck mushrooms in houseplant

Various types of mushrooms live on our planet in various sizes, shapes and colours. Some of them are toxic and others are delicious food for the human and animals. They can live in different environments but almost all mushrooms love the warm, moist and rich soils to grow. Hence your houseplant’s soil can be a favourite host for them.

If you are interested in knowing more about the mushrooms growing in your houseplant, read “Mushroom growing in the houseplant | Detect them by their images + Get rid of them”.

See also  How to Get Rid of Mushrooms in Houseplants? Best Practical Ways

My experience with houseplant problems shows that four types of mushrooms are more common in houseplants and most people spot them in their indoor plants. I grouped them into four groups based on their colour (white, grey, yellow and brown) as gardeners always report them in this way. let’s find out more about them.

Yellow Good Luck Mushroom in Houseplant

yellow mushrooms in houseplants

Yellow mushroom belongs to the species Leucopcoprinus birnbaumii. You can see them in the following picture. If you want to know more about them, readYellow mushrooms growing in houseplant

White Good Luck Mushroom in Houseplant

White mushroom in houseplant

You may spot the species Leucopcoprinus birnbaumii in white colour in your houseplant too, as you can see in the following picture. If you are interested in knowing more about them, I suggest you read “White Mushrooms Growing in Houseplant

Brown Good Luck Mushroom in Houseplant

Brown mushroom in houseplant

If you see a brown mushroom in your houseplant, most likely it belongs to the Coprinus or Conocybe genera. You can see their pictures below and if read “Indoor brown mushrooms growing in houseplant, will find out more about them.

Are Mushrooms in your Houseplant Good Luck?

Are Mushrooms in your Houseplant Good Luck?

Growing mushrooms in your houseplant or garden is good luck in most cultures. Hence, people believe that these nice guests will bring good fortune to them.

If you believe in Feng Shui rules and consider the meaning of everything based on it, you should know growth mushrooms in your houseplant or garden have a Feng Shui representation.

Some people after seeing a mushroom in their home say “Oh! Good news is coming my way! Thanks to god.” In addition, growing ornamental mushrooms can be a symbolic sign of good fortune in life.

In addition, mushrooms are your new friend that helps you in gardening by improving the quality of your houseplant’s soil. They decay the organic materials and convert them to usable substances for your houseplant.

However, you have to be careful to prevent eating them by your kids or pets because most of them are toxic and you have to be professional to detect toxic mushrooms from eatable ones.

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So, after that, if you find a mushroom in your houseplant, it can mean good fortune is in your hand if you don’t eat it! In the following, I will show you two symbolic good-luck mushrooms:

Lingzhi (灵芝): Good Luck Mushroom

Lingzhi (灵芝): good luck mushroom

In chines culture, Lingzhi (灵芝) is a holy mushroom and a sign of great health, longevity and even immortality. It is because of two reasons:

  • The health benefits of lingzhi for humans.
  • Lingzhi unlike other fungi never decay, it becomes woody with a longer lifespan.

Glücklicher Pilz (Glückspilz): Good Luck Mushroom

Glücklicher Pilz (Glückspilz): good luck mushroom

Most likely you paint a red and white speckled mushroom in your childhood. This classic mushroom is Glücklicher Pilz or Glückspilz which means in Germany is “lucky mushroom”. The German legend believes finding this mushroom is a sign of good fortune.

Please be careful because, unlike Lingzhi, Glückspilz is a toxic mushroom.


In this article, you got familiar with common mushrooms that grow in houseplants and found out that the growth of mushrooms in your houseplant is a sign of good luck. In addition, you understood mushrooms are your friend that helps you to have lusher plants, although most of them are toxic and you have to avoid eating them. We told you about two well-known lucky mushrooms including Lingzhi (灵芝) and Glücklicher Pilz.

Do you have any experience with mushrooms in your houseplant or garden? Are mushrooms in your houseplant good luck in your culture? After reading this article, you are going to save mushrooms in your houseplant or you will try to get rid of them? Why? Please share your experiences and ideas with our readers below this page.



Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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