The five main ways that thrips come from

Where do thrips come from? Answering this question is important because it helps you to prevent thrips infestation. Always prevention is easier than treatment. Based on my experience, Thrips often come to your house after adding a new plant or bouquet to your house decor. They also can fly into from an open window. 

However, other ways are also possible to appear Thrips on houseplants. I’m a horticultural consultant and want to discuss it in this post. Join me here to show all the ways that thrips come indoors and tell you how to prevent them.

Thrips can come from 5 main ways to your house

Thrips suck the sap of the plants. They are tiny bugs in houseplants and their early detection is difficult. So, they will kill indoor plants before you decide how to get rid of them. in addition, Thrips can bite humans, and although it’s not serious, it can cause problems for sensitive skin. I discussed “Thrips Bite” in my other post.

Hence, if you don’t spot them in your houseplants, read this article to prevent thrips infestation on your potted plants.

In the present article:

  • First: I give you a brief overview of thrips on houseplants.
  • Then: I will tell you the main ways that thrips come from.

I walk with you through this article and you can ask your questions below this page. if you are ready let’s, get on with it then.

What are the thrips on houseplants?

Tiny white bugs on houseplants that suck the sap of leaves and fresh stems. They usually hide behind leaves and flowers and it’s hard to detect them early. The symptoms of infested plants to thrips are:

  • Small yellow areas on younger leaves
  • Silvery discolouration areas on the upper surface of older leaves.
  • Black spots of thrips’ excrement on discolouration areas of leaves.
  • Distorted growth of shoot tip or flower buds.
  • Thrips can kill your indoor plant easily and spread to other plants quickly.
See also  The 9 Tiny Bugs in Houseplants: Detect them Easily.

In the following image, you can see thrips on houseplants. Grab your magnifying glass and compare your tiny bugs with it. Read “Thrips on Monstera” to tell you more details about thrips and “How to get rid of thrips indoors” and treat infested plants. Adding some beneficial insects to indoor and outdoor gardens can also help to reduce the population of Thrips. Ladybugs can eat Thrips and do well with this issue.

Now, let’s find out ways that Thrips come from.

A thrips on the leave of plant

Where do thrips come from?

Now, come on to know the five main ways thrips enter your house. As mentioned above, knowing about it will help you to prevent thrips infestation on your potted plants. Hence, keep reading even if you don’t spot thrips on your houseplant.

1- Thrips Com from Buying an infested houseplant.

Thrips are tiny bugs that hide behind the leaves and inside the flowers hence it is hard to detect them on plants before causing markable damage on them. In addition, the females lay eggs on leaves and sometimes the eggs fall on soil and after egg hatch, thrips will infest other plants.

So, before buying a new houseplant from the market you should seek the sign of thrips infestation as mentioned above. However, if the soil was infected by eggs, you cannot detect the infestation easily. Hence, you should isolate the new houseplants for two weeks to make sure of their health.

thrips can come into house by buying new plants


The following houseplants are more susceptible to thrips and if you are going to buy them, check their foliar parts with accuracy. In addition, after buying them, isolate them for several days to be sure about their health.

  • Alocasia
  • Calathea
  • Dracaena
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Monstera
  • Palms
  • Peace lily
  • ZZ plant
  • Ferns
See also  Thrips on Monstera: Hear to my Experiences to Get Rid of Them

2- Thrips Come Through the fruit and vegetables.

Thrips may come into your house through fruit and vegetables. If you collect them from your garden or buy from the market, check to make sure they are free from thrips.

3- Thrips Come Through an infested flower bouquet.

Thrips love to hide inside the flowers, so, a beautiful lovely bouquet can bring thrips to your house. Hence, after buying or getting a flower bouquet, check it carefully to ensure it is free from thrips.

thrips come from flowers


4- Thrips Come After Coming back the Summered plants.

Some house gardeners put their potted plants outdoors during summer. In this situation, thrips may attack them. Especially if plants such as carnation, chrysanthemum, fuchsia, geraniums, hibiscus, impatiens, ivy, marigolds, petunia, roses, verbena, Azalea, Bergenia, Luma, Pyracantha, Rhododendron, Toyon and Viburnum are near the potted plants.

The above plants are very sensitive to thrips and most often a lot of thrips attract to them. in this situation, thrips will travel from the above plants to your potted plant, attack them, and lay on leaves and soil.

When you back the potted plants into the house, they may bring thrips too. hence you should check them with accuracy and isolate them for two weeks.

5- Thrips Come From Flying through doors and windows

Thrips are not good flyers, although their fringed wings, help them to be airborne bugs that can travel even long distances. In this situation, they can enter your house through open doors and windows or their cracks and crevices and hide in warm and dark places of your house.

See also  What is Yellow Mold in Houseplant Soil? Get Rid of Fuligo Septica

thrips come from open windows


Research shows that the peak of activity of thrips is between 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and again between 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. So, during these periods be more considerate about them and try to close doors and windows.


You found out that thrips can kill your houseplant quickly and you have to prevent entering thrips into your house and infesting your houseplant. I showed you where thrips come from and they can enter your house through the following:

  • Buying an infested houseplant.
  • An infested flower bouquet.
  • The fruit and vegetables.
  • Coming back the Summered plants.
  • Opened doors and windows.

Have you ever had any experience with thrips on houseplants? Do you think how your indoor plant is infested with thrips? Buying a new potted plant? Do you know other ways that may cause houseplant infestation to Thrips? Please share your experience and ideas with our readers below this page.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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