What are White Spots on Bamboo Leaves? Tried and True Solutions

White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

If you have seen white spots on bamboo leaves, it can be because of physiological problems (such as sunburn or a splash of cold water) or because of various pests and diseases such as mites, viruses or white molds. I will show you their images here, explain why these white spots appear on your plant, and how you can solve these problems. Keep reading.

I’m a plant pathologist who works as a garden adviser, bamboo is one of my favorite plants and I have lucky bamboo in water, although, as you know, lucky bamboo is not a real bamboo.

One of the most frequent questions that gardeners usually ask me is about the spots on bamboo leaves. They can be grouped as brown spots, white spots, or yellow spots. I discuss them in three different posts. Let’s get going to find the reasons and solutions for white spots in this post. I walk with you through this article you can ask your questions. I will answer as soon as possible.

➡ You can also hear the audio version of this article.

White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

White Spots on Bamboo Leaves due to mite infestation

Here, I will tell you about the 5 common factors that can cause white or straw-coloured spots or rings on your bamboo leaves. I recommend seeing the pictures, reading every factor, considering your bamboo conditions, and then trying to find the most probable agent. I also provide you with tips to solve your problem.  Let’s start.

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1: Sunburn Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

Sunburn Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

As I told you in my previous post about bamboo plant care, this plant loves bright places with indirect sunlight. But exposing direct sunlight will cause sunburn and scorch on leaves. Its symptoms are often pale-coloured spots or large white areas. In severe damages, you also see brown and yellow areas on leaves. You can see a bamboo plant with symptoms of sunburn in the above picture.


Unfortunately, the damaged leaves cannot be green again and you must trim them, but if you mist your plant with room temperature water and put it in a bright place with indirect sunlight, your bamboo rewards you with new healthy green leaves.

If you don’t know where to place your bamboo plant, I discussed it in my previous article about “light requirements of bamboo plants”.

2- Cold Water Splashes Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

It is one of the most common factors that can cause white spots on leaves. Bamboo love humid environment and one of the most common ways to provide its humidity is water spraying. But you must know misting with cold water (i.e., not room temperature) can shock the leaves and cause problems for your plant.


It’s easy, spray your bamboo with room temperature water or use other ways to provide humidity for bamboo plants.

3: Mealybug Infestations Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

Mealybug Infestations Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

If you spot white stuff on bamboo plants, you must be suspicious of Mealybugs, they are common pests on bamboo. Mealybugs produce tiny white woolly webs on leaves and you may think someone spreading powder on your plant. In the above images, you can see their appearance and symptoms.

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It’s dependent on the level of infestation. In low and local infestations, you can remove them mechanically but in extensive infestations you must use natural or chemical insecticides. I discussed it in my previous article about mealybugs on house plants.

 ➡ You can also see the below video about bamboo mealybugs:

4- Spider Mites Infestation Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

Spider Mites Infestation Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

Spider mites are white stuff on bamboo that are other common pests on bamboo plants. As you can see in the above picture, they can cause tiny white to pale yellow spots on bamboo leaves that in extensive infestations, look like white lines on bamboo leaves.


You can use natural pesticides such as neem oil sprays, water, and apple Vinegar spray, or spray with insecticide soaps. Please note that before doing anything, first quarantine the infested plant to prevent the spreading of the mites on healthy plants.

5: White Mold Can Cause White Spots on Bamboo Leaves

Have you spotted white fungus on bamboo plants? Sooty mould is often a secondary fungal infection on bamboo plants that can be white or black. In white mold infections, you see them as white spots on bamboo leaves.

Some environmental conditions such as too much watering, high humidity, and aphids or mealybug infections will increase their appearance on bamboo leaves. You can see the white mold infection symptoms in the above pictures.


Control aphids and mealybugs infections. Clean the infested areas with a clean cloth. A solution of vinegar and water can help you with this issue.

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Here, I showed you 5 common reasons for white spots on bamboo leaves including Cold Water Splashes, Sunburn, Mealybugs Infestations, Spider Mites Infestation, White Mold on Bamboo Plant, and Bamboo Mosaic virus. I also told you tips to fix your problem.

Did you find out the reason for forming white spots on your bamboo leaves? What was it? If you couldn’t find the causal agent of your problem, please inform me below this page and send a pic of your plant to my email. I will answer as soon as possible.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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