Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive? Tips For Buying the Expensive Hoyas Cheaper

Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive?

Hoya plants include over 520 accepted species based on the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families as of April 2020. Some such as Hoya carnosa ‘Argentea Princess’, Hoya micrantha (splash), Hoya serpens, Hoya coriacea (silver), and Hoya ‘Rachel’ are so expensive among various houseplants. If you are thinking why are hoya plants so expensive, there are a couple of reasons to answer this question including their limited availability and slow growth and propagation.

Keep reading to discuss them more and give you tips for buying the expensive Hoyas cheaper.

Best Answers to Why Are Hoya Plants So Expensive

In the following, I will discuss various factors which are involved in the high price of some Hoya varieties.

They have limited availability:  Because some hoya species or varieties are rare Hoya in their natural habitat or have specific growing needs, they are trickier to cultivate. This scarcity makes them more valuable to collectors who are willing to pay a premium for a unique plant.

They have Slow growth and propagation: Many rare hoyas are slow growers and can be difficult to propagate. This limited supply and high demand from collectors further inflates the price.

Social media hype:  The rise of social media has played a role in the hoya market. Beautiful and rare hoyas shared online can fuel desire and drive up prices as collectors compete to own these coveted plants.

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Unique characteristics: Hoyas with striking variegation patterns, unusual leaf shapes, or particularly fragrant blooms (if you use the best fertilizer for hoya blooming) command a higher price. The more distinctive and visually arresting the features, the more valuable the variety becomes.

There are definitely more affordable hoya options out there, so don’t despair if your dream plant comes with a hefty price tag. With some patience and searching, you might be able to find a more common variety that suits your budget.

Hoya coriacea (silver) is one of the most expansive Hoya

What Is the Most Expensive Hoya Plant?

in the following, I collected some most expensive Hoya species and varieties. Let’s to find them.

Hoya carnosa ‘Argentea Princess’: This rare Hoya boasts stunning foliage with thick, succulent leaves that have a mesmerizing combination of dark green and silvery variegation. Its slow growth adds to its exclusivity, but it’s surprisingly low-maintenance.

Hoya micrantha (splash): This is one of the most stunning splash Hoyas, displaying speckled variegation across its leaves with splashes of white and cream on a deep green base.

Hoya serpens: This unique Hoya boasts exceptionally long, slender leaves that resemble serpentine vines.

Hoya coriacea (silver): Unlike its pricier cousins with thick, variegated leaves, the silver Hoya boasts a captivating elegance with its cascade of thin, silver foliage. When it blooms, it produces a big, fuzzy, yellow flower ball that adds a touch of sunshine to the already stunning foliage.

Hoya ‘Rachel‘: This beauty is a sister Hoya to the well-known Hoya ‘Rebecca,’ both resulting from the same breeding project. It has stunning variegated foliage with a combination of dark green, cream, and pink.

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It’s important to remember that prices can fluctuate depending on the specific plant, its size, and current market trends. But these are some of the varieties that are generally considered to be on the pricier side.

What Is the Hoya Price in 2024?

The Hoya price can vary depending on several factors including:

  • Plant size and maturity: A larger, more mature plant will naturally cost more than a smaller cutting.
  • Rarity and variegation: Rarer varieties with unique variegation patterns will command a higher price.
  • Seller and location: Online marketplaces may have different price points than local nurseries.

However, I listed a general range of the Most expensive Hoya plants’ Prices to set your expectations:

  • Hoya carnosa ‘Argentea Princess’: $100 – $500+ (depending on size and variegation)
  • Hoya micrantha (splash): $50 – $300+
  • Hoya serpens: $30 – $200+ (depending on length)
  • Hoya coriacea (silver): $75 – $250+
  • Hoya ‘Rachel’: $150 – $400+

Tips For Buying the Expensive Hoyas Cheaper

Tips For Buying the Expensive Hoyas Cheaper

To find the best price on hoyas, the following tips can help you:

Shop around: I often do it to compare prices from different local nurseries. I also search on online retailers and most of the time can find a cheaper one. you can also join online plant communities such as Facebook groups and forums that are dedicated to hoyas. They can be a great resource for finding deals and recommendations from other collectors.

Look for unrooted cuttings: It is also a good idea because unrooted cutting always is cheaper than established plants. However, they need more attention and you must be patient to grow.

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And finally, you must be patient, because the longer it might take to find the rarer Hoya at a price you’re comfortable with.


To answer this question why are hoya plants so expensive, I told you various factors such as their limited availability, slow growth and propagation, social media hype, and unique characteristics play an important role.

Some species such as Hoya carnosa ‘Argentea Princess’, Hoya micrantha (splash), Hoya serpens, Hoya coriacea (silver), and Hoya ‘Rachel’ are more expensive Hoya plants.

However, other factors such as Plant size and maturity, Rarity and variegation, and Seller and location can cause variety in the price of specific rare Hoya species. Hence, you can buy a more affordable one by buying the unrooted cutting plants or doing shop rounds. You can read my other posts about Hoya plants such as “Hoya macrophylla albomarginata vs variegated” and “Are Hoya Plants toxic to cats?”.

Elahe Rabiei

Elahe Rabiei

Hi, I’m Elaheh. My Academic major is plant protection, and houseplants are my expertise. As a houseplant lover, my house is full of indoor plants and it is my passion to take care of them. Hence, I’m here to share my knowledge and experience about growing healthy houseplants. I am also a plant protection advisor, so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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